California's Medical Provider Networks May Greatly Help Employees Needing CA Workers Comp
The sunny state of California is often considered to be a progressive region. They now prove this reputation by allowing CA Workers Comp to use a fine-tuned network of medical providers for treatments related to Workers Compensation California claims. This network known as the MPN (or Medical Provider Network), offers a great number of benefits to employees and employers who find that they need to file for CA Workers Comp.
The MPN network is filled with doctors, clinics, hospitals, plus many and various other health care providers who are "under contract." These care-givers specialize in administering treatment to CA Workers Comp claimants. Take a moment to consider what it means to know that these medical workers specialize in work-related accidents, injuries and illnesses. It's a huge boon to anyone who is in the unsettling position and often uncharted territory that comes with needing Workers Compensation California. Now claimants can be confident that they will be tended to by people who are acutely familiar with this Workers Compensation California particulars.
Some details of what the MPNs offer in regards to CA Workers Comp include:
The many and varied advantages that California's MPN offers can go a long way in making the process of Workers Compensation California run as smoothly, quickly and efficiently as possible. Talk to your Broker or insurance company to see how the MPNs affect you and how they may factor into any Workers Compensation California issues that your business has in the future.
The MPN network is filled with doctors, clinics, hospitals, plus many and various other health care providers who are "under contract." These care-givers specialize in administering treatment to CA Workers Comp claimants. Take a moment to consider what it means to know that these medical workers specialize in work-related accidents, injuries and illnesses. It's a huge boon to anyone who is in the unsettling position and often uncharted territory that comes with needing Workers Compensation California. Now claimants can be confident that they will be tended to by people who are acutely familiar with this Workers Compensation California particulars.
Some details of what the MPNs offer in regards to CA Workers Comp include:
- Proximity: The MPNs provide that there will be a relevant primary care-giver no farther than 15 miles of the injured person's job site or home. The related secondary care-givers will be found within 30 miles of the injured person's job site or home. This streamlines the process of activating a CA Workers Comp claim and getting the most pressing medical attention started as soon as possible. A shortened distance to help can make a big difference to someone in pain or crisis.
- Emergency services are, of course, a big component of this network and critical to any serious or emergency Workers Compensation California situation.
- Consideration for rural needs where injured parties may find themselves far removed from medical care, especially specialized medical care.
- Those employees who are injured while traveling for work are also well taken care of with this network.
- The right for the injured employee (who is filing the CA Workers Comp claim) to choose his care-givers from within the MPN. There is also the right for him to request a second opinion, and even a third opinion, within the MPN.
- The assistance of "medical management." This will see a medical case manager working directly with the medical providers and the employer as well as the injured or ill employee. This case manager helps to ensure that Workers Compensation California claims run smoothly and efficiently because the channels of communication are flowing.
The many and varied advantages that California's MPN offers can go a long way in making the process of Workers Compensation California run as smoothly, quickly and efficiently as possible. Talk to your Broker or insurance company to see how the MPNs affect you and how they may factor into any Workers Compensation California issues that your business has in the future.