Hay Fever Symptoms & Treatment
The medical terminology for hay fever is "allergic rhinitis" which refers to the primary symptoms of sinus pressure, stuffy nose, and itchy watery eyes.
This condition is caused by an allergic reaction due to the pollen released by certain plants and trees typically during the spring, summer, and fall months which is why it is also commonly referred to as "seasonal allergies".
These allergens become airborne and enter the airways through the nose and mouth causing the immune system to react to this "foreign" matter by releasing histamines which cause the symptoms of hay fever.
In some individuals however, hay fever can be experienced year-round due to mold, pet dander, dust mites, as well as pollen.
The Symptoms of Hay Fever or Seasonal Allergies Individuals typically experience symptoms of fever shortly after they have been exposed to the allergen.
These symptoms are very similar to the common cold and include itchy watery eyes, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, itching of the roof of the mouth and throat, and sinus pressure which can cause pain in the facial area.
Sometimes these symptoms can be severe and cause lack of sleep, tiredness, irritability, and in many cases these symptoms also cause people to miss work or school.
Treatments for Hay Fever or Seasonal Allergies When it comes to the treatment of seasonal allergies, the first step you should take is to try and avoid or limit your exposure to the allergens as much as possible by remaining indoors with windows and doors shut while using air conditioning or an air purifier.
Mild to moderate allergy symptoms can be treated with over the counter medications which include antihistamines and decongestants in the form of nasal sprays, eye drops, liquids, and pills.
In frequent or severe cases of hay fever, stronger prescription medications are also available which may include immunotherapy in the form of allergy shots.
This condition is caused by an allergic reaction due to the pollen released by certain plants and trees typically during the spring, summer, and fall months which is why it is also commonly referred to as "seasonal allergies".
These allergens become airborne and enter the airways through the nose and mouth causing the immune system to react to this "foreign" matter by releasing histamines which cause the symptoms of hay fever.
In some individuals however, hay fever can be experienced year-round due to mold, pet dander, dust mites, as well as pollen.
The Symptoms of Hay Fever or Seasonal Allergies Individuals typically experience symptoms of fever shortly after they have been exposed to the allergen.
These symptoms are very similar to the common cold and include itchy watery eyes, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, itching of the roof of the mouth and throat, and sinus pressure which can cause pain in the facial area.
Sometimes these symptoms can be severe and cause lack of sleep, tiredness, irritability, and in many cases these symptoms also cause people to miss work or school.
Treatments for Hay Fever or Seasonal Allergies When it comes to the treatment of seasonal allergies, the first step you should take is to try and avoid or limit your exposure to the allergens as much as possible by remaining indoors with windows and doors shut while using air conditioning or an air purifier.
Mild to moderate allergy symptoms can be treated with over the counter medications which include antihistamines and decongestants in the form of nasal sprays, eye drops, liquids, and pills.
In frequent or severe cases of hay fever, stronger prescription medications are also available which may include immunotherapy in the form of allergy shots.