About Old Switchblade Knives
- It is often believed, incorrectly, that switchblade knives are illegal in all jurisdictions. This simply isn't true. While many jurisdictions do have laws regulating or banning automatic knives--and there are certain federal laws restricting them--they are perfectly legal in some areas. So in areas where switchblades are legal to own, old switchblades are certainly also legal.
- "Old switchblade knives," as far as this article is concerned, are automatic knives that were manufactured and possessed in a jurisdiction prior to the passing of laws restricting or banning such weapons. New switchblades, on the other hand, have been manufactured or imported into a jurisdiction after such laws were passed. In such a context, new switchblades are inherently illegal, but there are difficult legal questions circulating around old switchblades.
- There are many factors involved in determining whether an old switchblade knife is legal to possess in any given jurisdiction. The chief consideration, of course, is local laws. Some states have passed laws that allow owners of old switchblade knives to register them using a "grandfathered" system. This means that, because the weapon was legal before the new law was passed, it remains legal afterward. In some other places, however, prior legality is not a controlling legal factor, and is irrelevant. In these areas, weapons become illegal once the law is passed, regardless of mitigating circumstances.
- It is immensely important that switchblade-knife owners realize whether or nor their weapon is legal in their current jurisdiction. People who possess switchblades in a locality where they are illegal may be subject to criminal prosecution and imprisonment, even if they fail to realize their knife is illegal. The best way to find out if old switchblade knives are legal in your area is to contact a local attorney for a consultation. Alternately, and at less expense, you can contact your local police department and ask them. They should be able to advise you as to the legality of your automatic knife.
- Switchblade knives, whether legal or illegal, are extremely dangerous. They pose a serious threat of harm to users who mishandle them, and to children. All due caution and diligence are required when operating or storing a switchblade. Be sure to store them somewhere safe and secure, and to familiarize yourself with general knife safety before attempting to use one.
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