Ways To Start Your Own Digital Photographic Business! (part Nine)
Your own digital, photography based, home business could start here. . .
* DESK CLOCKS. Most people at work, or even who have a desk at home have a clock on it. Some may have some sort of advertising on it, like a freebie from a manufacturer. But how many people would prefer a photograph of their loved ones? Most I would imagine. And if you don't want to go the personal route, approach a manufacturer and offer to produce a clock for them, with their photo and company details. Its a huge market, people are making a living doing it, get in there.
* BLANKETS. Nursing homes, private hospitals, care providers and don't forget the average household, all use them. Personalise or promote, your choice, how about personalise and promote. I am not going to make any references to that being a blanket strategy, or you should cover both markets. I wouldn't do that.
* COOLERS. Drinks coolers are everywhere, not just in the summer either. A great place for a message or a personal note. Drinks companies are an obvious choice, but what of places where the drinks are consumed. What event doesn't have drinks and drink coolers?
* LETTER OPENERS. At work and at home, we get letters everywhere and its nice to have a proper opener, rather than tearing. Promotional, personal, souvenir. Keep an eye where you see them, or where you think they are needed. Mail boxes for example, or blocks of flats or holiday apartments.
* RECIPES. There are more cook books than anything, along with tv shows, chat shows, everyones cooking and eating, or talking about it. Recipes are given away to promote such markets, either books, shows, or foodstuffs. Lots of customers there. Don't forget local recipes, that can carry a message of the area.
* BALLOONS. Normal balloons, helium balloons, shaped balloons. Millions are sold or given away every year. And you know the ones with cartoon characters and personalities (kids) are not cheap to buy. There is a big market for promotion, personal here, look into it first, try and specialise.
* PILL BOXES. Unfortunately a lot of people are on pills, some people are on a lot of pills. Hence the arrival of pill boxes. Do you know someone who would like a personalised one? If you do, so does everyone else. You can get nice ones, but where do you get personal ones? Again there is the promo market and even the souvenir market. Everyone on holiday knows someone at home who could benefit from such an attractive pill box which would lift their spirit.
* PLANNERS. If you fail to plan then you are planning to fail. A lot of companies and individuals use planners. They have been hanging in doctors surgeries for years, paid for and given free to doctors and practices. Some people act as the middleman, getting the advertising and putting together the planner with the promise it will be given to and seen regularly by so many thousand medical proffessionals. Theres a big opportunity in itself. Take it into other industries, autos, sports, etc.
* RULERS. I have a joke about measuring tapes, that I don't use as a rule, but none on rulers thank goodness, I draw the line there. Newsagents, office supply, schools, businesses, uni, this is quite a big one. And quite cheap to produce.
* MEGAPHONES. Sports, drama, getting the kids in for their tea ( a drama in itself), Coaches and parents need them. They are a fun item too. Funny, promotional, political, lots of opportunity for messages here.
This is just to get your creative juices going and your brain storming with ideas! The internet has opened up a never ending need for images, of anything and everything. Stock photography has changed, gone are the highly professional, large format shots of models and beaches, that had to be technically perfect, well they are not gone, but they are not the only opportunities for aspiring photographers who want to make a living with their hobby, their passion. Images that you would'nt believe started life as a photograph end up everywhere these days and the ability to transform these images is available to everyone, and in the comfort of their own home.
Don't forget a lot of well known high street businesses started life on a kitchen table, why not yours?
* DESK CLOCKS. Most people at work, or even who have a desk at home have a clock on it. Some may have some sort of advertising on it, like a freebie from a manufacturer. But how many people would prefer a photograph of their loved ones? Most I would imagine. And if you don't want to go the personal route, approach a manufacturer and offer to produce a clock for them, with their photo and company details. Its a huge market, people are making a living doing it, get in there.
* BLANKETS. Nursing homes, private hospitals, care providers and don't forget the average household, all use them. Personalise or promote, your choice, how about personalise and promote. I am not going to make any references to that being a blanket strategy, or you should cover both markets. I wouldn't do that.
* COOLERS. Drinks coolers are everywhere, not just in the summer either. A great place for a message or a personal note. Drinks companies are an obvious choice, but what of places where the drinks are consumed. What event doesn't have drinks and drink coolers?
* LETTER OPENERS. At work and at home, we get letters everywhere and its nice to have a proper opener, rather than tearing. Promotional, personal, souvenir. Keep an eye where you see them, or where you think they are needed. Mail boxes for example, or blocks of flats or holiday apartments.
* RECIPES. There are more cook books than anything, along with tv shows, chat shows, everyones cooking and eating, or talking about it. Recipes are given away to promote such markets, either books, shows, or foodstuffs. Lots of customers there. Don't forget local recipes, that can carry a message of the area.
* BALLOONS. Normal balloons, helium balloons, shaped balloons. Millions are sold or given away every year. And you know the ones with cartoon characters and personalities (kids) are not cheap to buy. There is a big market for promotion, personal here, look into it first, try and specialise.
* PILL BOXES. Unfortunately a lot of people are on pills, some people are on a lot of pills. Hence the arrival of pill boxes. Do you know someone who would like a personalised one? If you do, so does everyone else. You can get nice ones, but where do you get personal ones? Again there is the promo market and even the souvenir market. Everyone on holiday knows someone at home who could benefit from such an attractive pill box which would lift their spirit.
* PLANNERS. If you fail to plan then you are planning to fail. A lot of companies and individuals use planners. They have been hanging in doctors surgeries for years, paid for and given free to doctors and practices. Some people act as the middleman, getting the advertising and putting together the planner with the promise it will be given to and seen regularly by so many thousand medical proffessionals. Theres a big opportunity in itself. Take it into other industries, autos, sports, etc.
* RULERS. I have a joke about measuring tapes, that I don't use as a rule, but none on rulers thank goodness, I draw the line there. Newsagents, office supply, schools, businesses, uni, this is quite a big one. And quite cheap to produce.
* MEGAPHONES. Sports, drama, getting the kids in for their tea ( a drama in itself), Coaches and parents need them. They are a fun item too. Funny, promotional, political, lots of opportunity for messages here.
This is just to get your creative juices going and your brain storming with ideas! The internet has opened up a never ending need for images, of anything and everything. Stock photography has changed, gone are the highly professional, large format shots of models and beaches, that had to be technically perfect, well they are not gone, but they are not the only opportunities for aspiring photographers who want to make a living with their hobby, their passion. Images that you would'nt believe started life as a photograph end up everywhere these days and the ability to transform these images is available to everyone, and in the comfort of their own home.
Don't forget a lot of well known high street businesses started life on a kitchen table, why not yours?