In order to make your travel a more convenient experience, let us share with you some tips. We believe that knowledge and organization, besides the right mood, are the most basic parts for unforgettable vacations.
a) Make sure you have a valid passport and a visa.
b) Copy your passport and visa, and give them to your family or friends.
c) Check your medical overseas insurance.
d) Learn about the health conditions.
This is very important, because, in case you have a preexisting medical problem you should carry a document from your doctor, which describes your health condition, what medications you take regurarly or any useful advice. Especially, if you are a person with disabilities make a plan first and choose wisely your destination, considering accommodation and accessibility.
e) Learn about law system, crime rate e.t.c.
f) Have always with you some emergency phone numbers, such us police department, hospitals, embassy e.t.c
g) Leave your valuables at home! It's truly a very confusing and disappointing experience when you realize that your expensive watch, or your wallet including your papers has disappeared!
h) Packing time is another matter you should take into consideration.
Make a list according to your needs, your destination, the country, and the duration of your trip. Remember that you are going to spend some good time, not to organize a fashion show! Categorize your clothes, so you can find them easily. Also, learn about the way people are dressing up, in order to familiarize yourself with the local fashion.
i) Choose the right car rental company.
There are numerous car rental companies worldwide with high reputation. So, trust them, and discuss with your travel agent, if you have, the best solution for you. Be aware about car rental taxes, gasoline price, insurance coverage e.t.c.
k) Cruising
What about a cruise! Considering that our planet is covered with water the choices are unlimited. We suggest to find a cruise specialist who will help you select a suitable for your pocket, cruise.
l) Leave your eco footrprint!
All people are aware about the continuous earth pollution. This does not mean of course that you have to cancel your travel appetite, but it's worthy respect this fragile green planet called earth. Try not take any souvenirs from historical sites and natural areas. Do not disturb animals, plants or their natural habitats.
Have a nice and most of all safe trip! We' ll be in contact!
a) Make sure you have a valid passport and a visa.
b) Copy your passport and visa, and give them to your family or friends.
c) Check your medical overseas insurance.
d) Learn about the health conditions.
This is very important, because, in case you have a preexisting medical problem you should carry a document from your doctor, which describes your health condition, what medications you take regurarly or any useful advice. Especially, if you are a person with disabilities make a plan first and choose wisely your destination, considering accommodation and accessibility.
e) Learn about law system, crime rate e.t.c.
f) Have always with you some emergency phone numbers, such us police department, hospitals, embassy e.t.c
g) Leave your valuables at home! It's truly a very confusing and disappointing experience when you realize that your expensive watch, or your wallet including your papers has disappeared!
h) Packing time is another matter you should take into consideration.
Make a list according to your needs, your destination, the country, and the duration of your trip. Remember that you are going to spend some good time, not to organize a fashion show! Categorize your clothes, so you can find them easily. Also, learn about the way people are dressing up, in order to familiarize yourself with the local fashion.
i) Choose the right car rental company.
There are numerous car rental companies worldwide with high reputation. So, trust them, and discuss with your travel agent, if you have, the best solution for you. Be aware about car rental taxes, gasoline price, insurance coverage e.t.c.
k) Cruising
What about a cruise! Considering that our planet is covered with water the choices are unlimited. We suggest to find a cruise specialist who will help you select a suitable for your pocket, cruise.
l) Leave your eco footrprint!
All people are aware about the continuous earth pollution. This does not mean of course that you have to cancel your travel appetite, but it's worthy respect this fragile green planet called earth. Try not take any souvenirs from historical sites and natural areas. Do not disturb animals, plants or their natural habitats.
Have a nice and most of all safe trip! We' ll be in contact!