How to Roast Sunflower Kernels in a Microwave
- 1). Spread an even layer of sunflower kernels onto a microwave-safe glass dish. Roast the kernels in 1/2-cup-size batches.
- 2). Put 1/2 tsp. of soft butter into the center of the dish. Stir the kernels and butter with a spoon until the kernels are all coated. Spread the kernels back out evenly across the dish.
- 3). Microwave the kernels on high for one minute. Take them out and stir them well. Spread them back out evenly.
- 4). Microwave on high for another minute, then check the kernels. If you wish to roast them further, microwave them in one-minute increments, stirring after each minute, until they are roasted to your liking.