How to Fix a Hair Dye Job
- 1). Get into the hottest shower you can stand as soon as possible. Chemical hair colors are especially vulnerable to fading when drenched in hot water. You have a 48- to 72-hour window to fix the color damage before the dye fully penetrates your hair.
- 2). Wash your hair several times with a huge dollop of volumizing shampoo, which creates big hair by opening up the hair's cuticle. An open cuticle makes it easier for the hair color to wash out.
- 3). Massage your hair with warm extra-virgin olive oil. Unlike with a conditioning treatment, where you focus mainly on the ends, you'll need to drench your entire head with the oil. Olive oil can strip permanent color; just make sure it's warm and extra-virgin.
- 4). Wrap your head in plastic and cover with a warm towel for about 30 minutes; the heat will help the oil penetrate your hair. Repeat the process several times within the 72-hour period to remove as much color as possible.
- 5). Once your hair-removal treatments are over, give your hair a break. Chemical dyes are hard on your hair, and the intense hot water and frequent shampooing can be traumatizing. Avoid heat styling, use a deep conditioner and try to shampoo only two to three times a week.