What Does the Word Nissan Mean?
- Nissan was originally a holding company founded by Yoshisuke Aikawa in 1928. The full name of the company was Nippon Sangyo, which translates as Japan Industries or Nippon Industries. In the 1930s, Nippon Sangyo was abbreviated to Nissan as the name for the company on the Tokyo stock market. At the time, Nissan oversaw metal foundries and auto parts companies. It was not until 1933 that Nissan began making automobiles.
- Many people think that the Nissan name was made up to differentiate the Datsun name in North America in the late 1970s. In fact the name is far older than that.
- Nissan also refers to "the month of spring" in the Jewish calendar. Nissan is related the word Nissam, which means "miracles."
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Nissan Motors
Other Meanings