How to Use Chat Rooms to Find Romance
- 1). Investigate a variety of chat rooms. Look at the chat areas provided by your online service or ISP, but also search for interesting Web sites that host chat sessions.
- 2). Choose a few chat rooms in which you feel comfortable and just observe at first.
- 3). Pick up the rhythm and spirit of the rooms you visit regularly but keep your initial comments brief and modest.
- 4). Wait for the regulars to draw you out and teach you the rules. Ask them for advice or to recommend other chat rooms or forums where you might find like-minded folks.
- 5). Make your views known more candidly as you become accepted.
- 6). Offer humorous remarks if they seem appropriate.
- 7). Read the personal profiles (if available) of the interesting people you meet during chat sessions.
- 8). Send "instant messages" (if possible) to individuals you find intriguing, particularly if they appear to be potential romantic partners.
- 9). Exchange e-mail addresses with possible romantic interests before leaving the chat room.
- 10
Set up private chat sessions with people you find appealing. Send them e-mail to remind them about these "appointments." - 11
Make notes about the men/women you find most engaging and use them in subsequent chat sessions or when writing them e-mail. - 12
Keep the pace of promising online relationships slow when using chat sessions and e-mail to get to know your new friend.