How to Improve the Chances of Success From Addiction Treatment
In 2006 alone, there were over 23 million Americans above the age of 12 that required rehabilitative treatment for drug or alcohol abuse.
Sadly, this number has only been rising.
This is the single most important reason why there is such an outcry for alternative treatment methods such as non 12 step rehabs.
Unfortunately, the popular 12 step therapy method has not been able to successfully keep up with the growing epidemic.
In fact, while drug and alcohol abuse has been on the rise, the statistics of long-term sobriety from the treatment of 12 step programs have been on the decline; reaching the lowest ever in recent years - less than 10% success rates! This emphasizes the importance of finding the best possible drug or alcohol rehab treatment program; and not just pick the first one you come across.
There are a number of things you can do in order to find centers where you can get the kind of quality service that is needed to end an addiction.
Alternative treatment methods have gained quite a bit of popularity due to their increased effectiveness over 12 step group therapy.
However even among these "alternative" treatment procedures there is quite a vast array of options and they are not all the same.
The first obvious thing one must do is to make sure whether or not the person you are thinking enrolling in a center does indeed have a drug problem.
While this may seem ridiculous to say, you would be surprised how many people are certain someone as a dependency which turns out to be false; and there was truly a completely different reason for the peculiar behavior that was misidentified.
It is best you familiarize yourself on the nature of drug and alcohol addiction and the signs.
This enables you to better understand what the addict is going through and will help locating the best centers that are available by matching treatment to the exact addiction.
Another point is to ensure the centers you are considering are accredited in some fashion.
While there is nothing wrong with receiving treatment from non-accredited centers (which there are a number of good non-accredited centers across the US), you will generally have a better chance at receiving superior level of drug addiction treatment from centers that are accredited.
You can simply go online to check whether or not a facility is JCAHO certified or carries some other certification.
Checking the specific treatments that are offered in the various centers is one of the most important things you should do.
This is where you will discover the exact method of treatment being offered and if it makes sense to you.
You will find the majority of inpatient facilities offer little more than variants of 12 step therapy, while other provide non 12 step programs, holistic detox, combination of treatment protocols, etc.
It is important for you to check whether your loved one will receive a physical detoxification treatment as well as therapy for the emotional underpinnings.
Detox programs after all, are an important part of a drug rehabilitative treatment; but it by itself will not prove to be successful - that is only part of the equation.
The addition of life courses and counseling are key to lasting success.
So how exactly can you go about finding these details about the drug rehab centers? The internet is the best place for you to go.
By simply going online you can quickly research which centers are offering long-term non 12 step drug rehabilitation, their credentials, success rates and a wealth of other information; including how long each center has been providing its services to patients.
When starting out, you want to compile a list of centers - minimally have at least two or three to start comparing with each other and usually the list will grow from there as you hear about others.
As you are gathering information it will start to be obvious which centers would not be a good fit or choice, and the list will eventually reduce down to a manageable number.
After you have distilled the list down to the top couple places in question, be sure to take the time to visit each facility in order to get a feel of the environment and the opportunity to chat with the staff that will interact with the addict on a daily basis.
If insurance is a consideration, make sure early on to confirm the facilities accept your particular policy and that it will cover the costs, or if other financing assistance is offered.
The last thing you want is treatment cut short due to inadequate funding, or not understanding that the out of pocket cost which could be more than you realize or can afford.
While volumes can be written on deeper specifics, what is covered here will lend a hand to help someone in need navigate through all the chaos and confusion generally associated with drug and alcohol rehab.
The important thing is understand what is being done as information is a powerful weapon.
Sadly, this number has only been rising.
This is the single most important reason why there is such an outcry for alternative treatment methods such as non 12 step rehabs.
Unfortunately, the popular 12 step therapy method has not been able to successfully keep up with the growing epidemic.
In fact, while drug and alcohol abuse has been on the rise, the statistics of long-term sobriety from the treatment of 12 step programs have been on the decline; reaching the lowest ever in recent years - less than 10% success rates! This emphasizes the importance of finding the best possible drug or alcohol rehab treatment program; and not just pick the first one you come across.
There are a number of things you can do in order to find centers where you can get the kind of quality service that is needed to end an addiction.
Alternative treatment methods have gained quite a bit of popularity due to their increased effectiveness over 12 step group therapy.
However even among these "alternative" treatment procedures there is quite a vast array of options and they are not all the same.
The first obvious thing one must do is to make sure whether or not the person you are thinking enrolling in a center does indeed have a drug problem.
While this may seem ridiculous to say, you would be surprised how many people are certain someone as a dependency which turns out to be false; and there was truly a completely different reason for the peculiar behavior that was misidentified.
It is best you familiarize yourself on the nature of drug and alcohol addiction and the signs.
This enables you to better understand what the addict is going through and will help locating the best centers that are available by matching treatment to the exact addiction.
Another point is to ensure the centers you are considering are accredited in some fashion.
While there is nothing wrong with receiving treatment from non-accredited centers (which there are a number of good non-accredited centers across the US), you will generally have a better chance at receiving superior level of drug addiction treatment from centers that are accredited.
You can simply go online to check whether or not a facility is JCAHO certified or carries some other certification.
Checking the specific treatments that are offered in the various centers is one of the most important things you should do.
This is where you will discover the exact method of treatment being offered and if it makes sense to you.
You will find the majority of inpatient facilities offer little more than variants of 12 step therapy, while other provide non 12 step programs, holistic detox, combination of treatment protocols, etc.
It is important for you to check whether your loved one will receive a physical detoxification treatment as well as therapy for the emotional underpinnings.
Detox programs after all, are an important part of a drug rehabilitative treatment; but it by itself will not prove to be successful - that is only part of the equation.
The addition of life courses and counseling are key to lasting success.
So how exactly can you go about finding these details about the drug rehab centers? The internet is the best place for you to go.
By simply going online you can quickly research which centers are offering long-term non 12 step drug rehabilitation, their credentials, success rates and a wealth of other information; including how long each center has been providing its services to patients.
When starting out, you want to compile a list of centers - minimally have at least two or three to start comparing with each other and usually the list will grow from there as you hear about others.
As you are gathering information it will start to be obvious which centers would not be a good fit or choice, and the list will eventually reduce down to a manageable number.
After you have distilled the list down to the top couple places in question, be sure to take the time to visit each facility in order to get a feel of the environment and the opportunity to chat with the staff that will interact with the addict on a daily basis.
If insurance is a consideration, make sure early on to confirm the facilities accept your particular policy and that it will cover the costs, or if other financing assistance is offered.
The last thing you want is treatment cut short due to inadequate funding, or not understanding that the out of pocket cost which could be more than you realize or can afford.
While volumes can be written on deeper specifics, what is covered here will lend a hand to help someone in need navigate through all the chaos and confusion generally associated with drug and alcohol rehab.
The important thing is understand what is being done as information is a powerful weapon.