5 Natural Home Remedies For Acne
Natural home remedies for acne include application of preparations made from natural ingredients and simple lifestyle changes that serve as a preventitive to acne outbreak. Natural remedies have become the treatment of choice for those who do not subscribe to the use of harsh chemicals on their skin. Following are some of the more effective natural remedies for acne:
1. Honey. Honey has been used for centuries for the treatment of acne and it has become of the more popular natural remedies today. Pure honey is best for the skin and should be applied by hand to the affected areas. A word of caution though. Honey may cause allergy outbreaks in some people so it would be wise to have a skin allergy test before using it.
2. Toothpaste. Because toothpaste is made with a base ingredient of mint, it is effective in drying out pimples. When choosing toothpaste to use, use the regular white variant and avoid the gel type and those that contain whitening agents and fluoride.
Apply toothpaste to the pimple and leave it on for about 30 minute. Leaving it on for more than half an hour may cause too much dryness. Wash face with warm water and soap and pat dry.
3. Lemon. Lemon juice is a powerful disinfectant and is one of the more effective natural home remedies for acne. It contains citric acid which can destroy bacteria. It can be taken orally or applied directly to acne spots.
Drinking lemon juice not only helps rid your skin of acne but offers several health benefits including cleansing your liver of impurities and toxins. To use directly on acne spots, dilute lemon juice with water and use a cotton ball to apply to the skin. Dilution will help minimize the burning sensation that may be felt upon application.
4. Garlic. Because of its antiviral and antiseptic properties, garlic has been used by many as an effective remedy for acne. To use, crush one or two cloves of garlic, squeeze the juice out and apply the juice to the affected spot.
Leave it on for five minutes then wash your skin with warm water and a light soap. Be sure not to leave it on for too long as it may burn your skin.
5. Fenugreek. Besides being used as a fragrant spice in Eastern cuisine, fenugreek contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are effective in treating acne. It reduces swelling brought about by acne and cleanses the skin of impurities and toxins.
To make your own fenugreek preparation, crush several fenugreek leaves and use a mortar and pestle to pound these to a paste. Apply the paste to your skin as you would use a facial mask. Leave it on overnight. In the morning wash your face with warm water and a light soap.
These natural home remedies for acne have been successful as treatment for many of individuals; however, as in any type of medication, it would be best to consult your dermatologist for applicability in your situation before using these.
1. Honey. Honey has been used for centuries for the treatment of acne and it has become of the more popular natural remedies today. Pure honey is best for the skin and should be applied by hand to the affected areas. A word of caution though. Honey may cause allergy outbreaks in some people so it would be wise to have a skin allergy test before using it.
2. Toothpaste. Because toothpaste is made with a base ingredient of mint, it is effective in drying out pimples. When choosing toothpaste to use, use the regular white variant and avoid the gel type and those that contain whitening agents and fluoride.
Apply toothpaste to the pimple and leave it on for about 30 minute. Leaving it on for more than half an hour may cause too much dryness. Wash face with warm water and soap and pat dry.
3. Lemon. Lemon juice is a powerful disinfectant and is one of the more effective natural home remedies for acne. It contains citric acid which can destroy bacteria. It can be taken orally or applied directly to acne spots.
Drinking lemon juice not only helps rid your skin of acne but offers several health benefits including cleansing your liver of impurities and toxins. To use directly on acne spots, dilute lemon juice with water and use a cotton ball to apply to the skin. Dilution will help minimize the burning sensation that may be felt upon application.
4. Garlic. Because of its antiviral and antiseptic properties, garlic has been used by many as an effective remedy for acne. To use, crush one or two cloves of garlic, squeeze the juice out and apply the juice to the affected spot.
Leave it on for five minutes then wash your skin with warm water and a light soap. Be sure not to leave it on for too long as it may burn your skin.
5. Fenugreek. Besides being used as a fragrant spice in Eastern cuisine, fenugreek contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are effective in treating acne. It reduces swelling brought about by acne and cleanses the skin of impurities and toxins.
To make your own fenugreek preparation, crush several fenugreek leaves and use a mortar and pestle to pound these to a paste. Apply the paste to your skin as you would use a facial mask. Leave it on overnight. In the morning wash your face with warm water and a light soap.
These natural home remedies for acne have been successful as treatment for many of individuals; however, as in any type of medication, it would be best to consult your dermatologist for applicability in your situation before using these.