How to Place a Lien on a Property or Bank Account
- 1). Perform a title search through the county recorder's office to see if there is any real estate property the debtor owns. An escrow company can also perform the search for you for a fee if you do not have the time to perform the search yourself.
- 2). Look through any payment records from the debtor that indicate bank account information.
- 3). File a lawsuit requesting a judgment lien be placed on any and all of the assets you found in discovery. Provide the proof you have of the status of the debt and creditor relationship as well as proof of payment history.
- 4). Obtain a court order stating the judgment lien on the assets. You should get a conformed copy of what is filed in court records that has the court filing stamp on the upper right-hand corner of the document.
- 5). Take the court order to the bank and county recorder's office to place the lien on the assets. Complete all requested paperwork and filing fees to properly place the lien on the assets.