Back to School
Planning for the First Day
A successful school year starts with the planning. It's important to take the time to create a classroom that suites your teaching style. Use these resources to prepare for the first day and beyond.
Setting Up Your Classroom
The best way to make a good first impression is through a cheery, organized classroom.It takes a little planning, time, and hard work, but your classroom can make teaching easier through purposeful functionality and strong organizational decisions.
First Week Lessons and Activities
Certain activities are perfect for the first week of school.Everyone's nervous, things are just getting started, and you want to get good behavior habits settled in right away.
Set Firm Rules for Day One
It's almost impossible to correct disruptive behavior habits mid-year.For this reason, the most important way to increase your chances for a successful school year is through designing and implementing strong classroom rules, complete with consistent consequences.
Parent-Teacher Communication
Creating open lines of communication between school and home is essential. Communication is key to helping students reach their full potential.