Thomas Manton" s Complete Works (22 Volume Set) Part 1 Of 2
Welcome to the Still Waters Revival Books video book summary for "The Complete Works of Thomas Manton" - 22 Volume Set by Thomas Manton Part 1 of 2
Manton was "one of the most eminent of the Nonconformist divines." He was born in 1620 and died in 1677. He was chosen to write "The Epistle to the Reader: Especially Heads of Families" of the famous Westminster standards. "Received episcopal institution in 1661. Resigned in 1662, on account of the Act of Uniformity (which among other wicked, Satanic enactments, its principal terms required a "declaration of 'unfeigned assent and consent' to everything contained in the Book of Common Prayer, re-ordination for those not episcopally ordained" and, most evil of all, "a renunciation of the Solemn League and Covenant. Knowing that the Puritans would not submit to such terms, the Authorities framed the Act to secure their expulsion" cf. Sermons of the Great Ejection by Iain Murray [Banner of Truth, reprinted 1962]). He was a man of great learning and extensive reading, of a sound judgement, and had the art of reducing volumes of divinity into a narrow compass. According to Charnock, he was the best collector of sense of the age. Dr. Bates says, 'A clear judgement, rich fancy, strong memory, and happy elocution, met in him, and were excellently improved by diligent study'" (James Darling, Cyclopaedia Bibliographica, 1854, pp. 1953-1954). Includes Manton's better-known volumes, such as his commentary on James and Jude and his Sermons on Psalm 119, as well as a host of other practical preaching, teaching and Scriptural exposition. The 22nd volume contains two large indices (by subject and text).
C.H. Spurgeon wrote of this set,
"While commenting upon the One Hundred and Nineteenth Psalm, I was brought into most intimate communion with Thomas Manton, who has discoursed upon that marvellous portion of Scripture with great fulness and power. I have come to know him so well that I could choose him out from among a thousand divines if he were again to put on his portly form, and display among modern men that countenance wherein was a 'great mixture of majesty and meekness.' His works occupy twenty-two volumes in the modern reprint: a mighty mountain of sound theology. They mostly consist of sermons; but what sermons! For solid, sensible instruction forcibly delivered, they cannot be surpassed. Manton is not brilliant, but he is always clear; he is not oratorical, but he is powerful; he is not striking, but he is deep. There is not a poor discourse in the whole collection: he is evenly good, constantly excellent. Ministers who do not know Manton need not wonder if they are themselves unknown."
J.C. Ryle, from the Introduction, also stated, "It only remains for me to express my earnest hope that this new edition of Manton's works may prove acceptable to the public, and meet with many purchasers and readers. If any one wants to buy a good specimen of a Puritan divine, my advice unhesitatingly is, ' Let him buy Manton.'"
"These sermons are the legacy of a powerful preacher devoted to the systematic teaching and application of God's Word. Whether he is expounding the Lord's Prayer, Psalm 119, Isaiah 53, James, or Jude, Manton presents us with the best that English Puritans had to offer in careful, solid, warmhearted exposition of the Scriptures." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke
"This valuable set of Puritan writings only becomes available once every few decades when an adventuresome publisher decides to invest a great deal of time and money to offer this gift to Christ's church. It has only been reprinted twice in the last 150 years, not counting the current edition. Do not fail to obtain a copy of this set, and think of giving one to your pastor as an act of gratitude for his faithfulness." - Dr. Don Kistler
Vol. 1
An Estimate of the Work of Manton by J.C. Ryle
Memoir by Dr. Harris
Practical Exposition of the Lord's Prayer
On Christ's Temptation and Transfiguration
On Redemption by Christ and His Eternal Existence
Vol. 2
Several Discourses Tending to Promote Peace and Holiness
22 Sermons on Important Passages of Scripture
Farewell and Funeral Sermon
Vol. 3
Eighteen Sermons on the Description, Rise, Growth, and Fall of Antichrist
A Practical Exposition Upon the 53rd Chapter of Isaiah
Vol. 4
Practical Commentary & Exposition of James
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Manton was "one of the most eminent of the Nonconformist divines." He was born in 1620 and died in 1677. He was chosen to write "The Epistle to the Reader: Especially Heads of Families" of the famous Westminster standards. "Received episcopal institution in 1661. Resigned in 1662, on account of the Act of Uniformity (which among other wicked, Satanic enactments, its principal terms required a "declaration of 'unfeigned assent and consent' to everything contained in the Book of Common Prayer, re-ordination for those not episcopally ordained" and, most evil of all, "a renunciation of the Solemn League and Covenant. Knowing that the Puritans would not submit to such terms, the Authorities framed the Act to secure their expulsion" cf. Sermons of the Great Ejection by Iain Murray [Banner of Truth, reprinted 1962]). He was a man of great learning and extensive reading, of a sound judgement, and had the art of reducing volumes of divinity into a narrow compass. According to Charnock, he was the best collector of sense of the age. Dr. Bates says, 'A clear judgement, rich fancy, strong memory, and happy elocution, met in him, and were excellently improved by diligent study'" (James Darling, Cyclopaedia Bibliographica, 1854, pp. 1953-1954). Includes Manton's better-known volumes, such as his commentary on James and Jude and his Sermons on Psalm 119, as well as a host of other practical preaching, teaching and Scriptural exposition. The 22nd volume contains two large indices (by subject and text).
C.H. Spurgeon wrote of this set,
"While commenting upon the One Hundred and Nineteenth Psalm, I was brought into most intimate communion with Thomas Manton, who has discoursed upon that marvellous portion of Scripture with great fulness and power. I have come to know him so well that I could choose him out from among a thousand divines if he were again to put on his portly form, and display among modern men that countenance wherein was a 'great mixture of majesty and meekness.' His works occupy twenty-two volumes in the modern reprint: a mighty mountain of sound theology. They mostly consist of sermons; but what sermons! For solid, sensible instruction forcibly delivered, they cannot be surpassed. Manton is not brilliant, but he is always clear; he is not oratorical, but he is powerful; he is not striking, but he is deep. There is not a poor discourse in the whole collection: he is evenly good, constantly excellent. Ministers who do not know Manton need not wonder if they are themselves unknown."
J.C. Ryle, from the Introduction, also stated, "It only remains for me to express my earnest hope that this new edition of Manton's works may prove acceptable to the public, and meet with many purchasers and readers. If any one wants to buy a good specimen of a Puritan divine, my advice unhesitatingly is, ' Let him buy Manton.'"
"These sermons are the legacy of a powerful preacher devoted to the systematic teaching and application of God's Word. Whether he is expounding the Lord's Prayer, Psalm 119, Isaiah 53, James, or Jude, Manton presents us with the best that English Puritans had to offer in careful, solid, warmhearted exposition of the Scriptures." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke
"This valuable set of Puritan writings only becomes available once every few decades when an adventuresome publisher decides to invest a great deal of time and money to offer this gift to Christ's church. It has only been reprinted twice in the last 150 years, not counting the current edition. Do not fail to obtain a copy of this set, and think of giving one to your pastor as an act of gratitude for his faithfulness." - Dr. Don Kistler
Vol. 1
An Estimate of the Work of Manton by J.C. Ryle
Memoir by Dr. Harris
Practical Exposition of the Lord's Prayer
On Christ's Temptation and Transfiguration
On Redemption by Christ and His Eternal Existence
Vol. 2
Several Discourses Tending to Promote Peace and Holiness
22 Sermons on Important Passages of Scripture
Farewell and Funeral Sermon
Vol. 3
Eighteen Sermons on the Description, Rise, Growth, and Fall of Antichrist
A Practical Exposition Upon the 53rd Chapter of Isaiah
Vol. 4
Practical Commentary & Exposition of James
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