Fast Weight Loss and Vegetarian Diets
People sometimes frown at the mention of vegetarian diets and consider that they are unhealthy or "not right" for losing weight.
This is rubbish as they can be both healthy and a means to lose weight.
Vegetarian diets can be healthy because they are normally lower in saturated fats and high in fibre.
However the any diet has to be carefully chosen to make sure that it contains all the nutrients needed by your body.
Vegetarian diets can easily provide the recommended daily amount of all the important nutrients.
Plants, notably, fruit and vegetables, are normally the main source of nutrients in vegetarian diets.
Certain types of vegetarian diets contain animal sources, I include eggs and dairy products in this.
While the vegan diet has no animal foods.
Nutrients that are normally present in animal products and sometimes lacking in a vegetarian diet are iron, calcium, vitamins D and B12, and zinc.
Below are just some of the foods that are rich in the above nutrients : Iron: cashews, tomato juice, rice, tofu, lentils, and chick peas.
Calcium: dairy products, fortified soya milk, fortified orange juice, tofu, kale, and broccoli.
Vitamin D: fortified milk and soya milk, and many cereals (check the box).
Vitamin B12: eggs, dairy products, and soya milk, cereals, tempeh, and miso.
(Tempeh and miso are foods made from soybeans.
They are low in calories and fat and high in protein.
But in my view taste horrible! Zinc: whole grains, eggs, dairy products, nuts, tofu, leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, cabbage etc), and root vegetables ( potatoes, carrots, celery, radishes, onions etc).
Protein is also very important and if you pursue the vegetarian option then you are strongly advised to eat a range of plant foods each day to get enough protein.
Plant foods that have the the highest levels of protein include lentils, tofu, seeds, tempeh, miso, nuts and peas.
There are some really good vegetarian diets out there! You just need to look.
I am personally not a total vegetarian, but I feel that there is a serious place for a vegetarian approach.
I am currently working on a basic weight loss plan that will include a vegetarian option,if you want to receive details when it is released please sign up to my email list, see resource box below for details.
This is rubbish as they can be both healthy and a means to lose weight.
Vegetarian diets can be healthy because they are normally lower in saturated fats and high in fibre.
However the any diet has to be carefully chosen to make sure that it contains all the nutrients needed by your body.
Vegetarian diets can easily provide the recommended daily amount of all the important nutrients.
Plants, notably, fruit and vegetables, are normally the main source of nutrients in vegetarian diets.
Certain types of vegetarian diets contain animal sources, I include eggs and dairy products in this.
While the vegan diet has no animal foods.
Nutrients that are normally present in animal products and sometimes lacking in a vegetarian diet are iron, calcium, vitamins D and B12, and zinc.
Below are just some of the foods that are rich in the above nutrients : Iron: cashews, tomato juice, rice, tofu, lentils, and chick peas.
Calcium: dairy products, fortified soya milk, fortified orange juice, tofu, kale, and broccoli.
Vitamin D: fortified milk and soya milk, and many cereals (check the box).
Vitamin B12: eggs, dairy products, and soya milk, cereals, tempeh, and miso.
(Tempeh and miso are foods made from soybeans.
They are low in calories and fat and high in protein.
But in my view taste horrible! Zinc: whole grains, eggs, dairy products, nuts, tofu, leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, cabbage etc), and root vegetables ( potatoes, carrots, celery, radishes, onions etc).
Protein is also very important and if you pursue the vegetarian option then you are strongly advised to eat a range of plant foods each day to get enough protein.
Plant foods that have the the highest levels of protein include lentils, tofu, seeds, tempeh, miso, nuts and peas.
There are some really good vegetarian diets out there! You just need to look.
I am personally not a total vegetarian, but I feel that there is a serious place for a vegetarian approach.
I am currently working on a basic weight loss plan that will include a vegetarian option,if you want to receive details when it is released please sign up to my email list, see resource box below for details.