Louisiana Disabled Veterans Benefits
- Disabled veterans in Louisiana are afforded many benefits covering different aspects of a veteran's life. The benefits are designed to help disabled veterans remain valued members of society while providing them with access to resources that will help them be healthy, productive and happy.
- Disabled Veterans who are looking for a job can benefit from the Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP) in Louisiana, according to the Louisiana Workforce Commission. The DVOP assists veterans in determining their job skills and locating job opportunities. Additionally, veterans who are honorably discharged are granted an employment preference in the Louisiana Constitution, according to the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs.
- The disabled veterans are eligible for general veterans education assistance in Louisiana, such as the tuition-support granted by the Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program. If disabled vet was a veteran of the Louisiana National Guard, tuition is totally exempted. The disabled vets also qualify their children for assistance during higher education, according to the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs. This is provided by Title 29 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950.
- Disabled veterans in Louisiana have the opportunity to live in a veterans home, such as the Northeast Louisiana Veterans home, the Jackson Veterans home and the Northwest Veterans Home. These housing facilities are specifically designed to aid disabled vets, and include access to a chapel, medical facilities and recreational activities. Transportation services are also supplied for residents of these housing facilities, according to the Disabled American Veterans, Department of Louisiana.
- Disabled veterans who are from Louisiana are granted free licenses for fishing and hunting. Also, disabled veterans have free admission to any Louisiana state park.
Job Benefits
Employment Benefits
Housing Assistance