Making Cushions
- 1). Take a measuring tape and carefully measure the size of the cushion you would like to make. Allow a 0.5 inch seam allowance with each measurement.
- 2). Take a fabric pencil and carefully trace out the measurements with seam allowance onto the back side of the fabric you will be using.
- 3). Take the scissors and carefully cut the fabric on the line you drew. You should have two equal-size pieces. Line them up with the back of the fabric facing out on each side so that the fronts face one another and are straight. You may choose to use pins to hold them together.
- 4). Take your sewing machine and carefully begin to sew around each side of the cushion. You should hold the fabric straight while it goes under the foot of the machine. At each corner, stop sewing and lift the foot of the machine. Turn the fabric so that the next side is straight, lower the foot and begin to sew again until you come to the fourth side. On the fourth side, sew straight across as you normally would but stop about one inch before coming to the last corner. This will be your stuffing location.
- 5). Take the cushion and reach your finger inside the stuffing hole, pull it inside out. Straighten the corners and edges before you being to stuff the cushion.
- 6). Pull apart the batting or foam so that it is fluffy. Stuff a little at a time into the opening of the cushion. You can use a knitting needle or your fabric pencil to push the stuffing into the back corners of the cushion. Keep stuffing it until the cushion is as full as you'd like it to be.
- 7). Take the opening and tuck under the sides so that the seam is even with the rest of the cushion edges. On your sewing machine, open the foot and place the cushion opening underneath it. Lower the foot and very slowly stitch the opening closed.