Weight Gain During Pregnancy
You have a few extra pounds of weight gain during pregnancy, and the doctors all tell you it was all for the benefit of your little bundle.
Now with the arrival of the baby, there are simple steps to take to counteract the weight gain during pregnancy.
First, find out if your weight gain during pregnancy was healthy or not.
Before the pregnancy, were you under weight, or over weight? Did you stay within the limits your doctor gave you? Next, know that it takes self control and a desire to get back on track.
You must be determined to change your eating habits now, not only for you, but for the baby.
This is not hard to do.
Remember, you are moving at a speed unlike any other occasion in your life.
You're up at the crack of dawn and down at sundown.
You are so tempted to take a nap during the baby's nap but you fight it.
Don't fight it.
Napping is necessary, and it also allows your body to heal and aid in the weight loss.
Third, find friends and family for support, to keep you on track for losing the weight you gained during pregnancy.
Fourth, if you had extreme weight gain during pregnancy you will want to consult a health provider.
If not, to lose the weight after the baby is born you must put together a good exercise plan even if it is walking around the block or at the mall before it opens.
One thing you may be surprised at is that many new moms will take that little bundle and go mall walking around 8 or 9 in the morning at the mall.
As you push the stroller around several times, and talking to your friends you are firming up! You are exercising! Last and not least; Pick a plan, a healthy way of eating that is tailored for your needs.
Not all plans are best for everyone's lifestyle.
Pick a plan that is not only flexible but works well and within your health standards.
This should simply be no pills, no starvation, and no obsessions.
In the long run, your weight gain during pregnancy will disappear if you will find a healthy eating plan that is easy to follow and not a lot of effort.
There are good weight loss programs where you can lose the weight and enjoy your life!
Now with the arrival of the baby, there are simple steps to take to counteract the weight gain during pregnancy.
First, find out if your weight gain during pregnancy was healthy or not.
Before the pregnancy, were you under weight, or over weight? Did you stay within the limits your doctor gave you? Next, know that it takes self control and a desire to get back on track.
You must be determined to change your eating habits now, not only for you, but for the baby.
This is not hard to do.
Remember, you are moving at a speed unlike any other occasion in your life.
You're up at the crack of dawn and down at sundown.
You are so tempted to take a nap during the baby's nap but you fight it.
Don't fight it.
Napping is necessary, and it also allows your body to heal and aid in the weight loss.
Third, find friends and family for support, to keep you on track for losing the weight you gained during pregnancy.
Fourth, if you had extreme weight gain during pregnancy you will want to consult a health provider.
If not, to lose the weight after the baby is born you must put together a good exercise plan even if it is walking around the block or at the mall before it opens.
One thing you may be surprised at is that many new moms will take that little bundle and go mall walking around 8 or 9 in the morning at the mall.
As you push the stroller around several times, and talking to your friends you are firming up! You are exercising! Last and not least; Pick a plan, a healthy way of eating that is tailored for your needs.
Not all plans are best for everyone's lifestyle.
Pick a plan that is not only flexible but works well and within your health standards.
This should simply be no pills, no starvation, and no obsessions.
In the long run, your weight gain during pregnancy will disappear if you will find a healthy eating plan that is easy to follow and not a lot of effort.
There are good weight loss programs where you can lose the weight and enjoy your life!