How to Keep Anthuriums Blooming
- 1). Prune faded or brown Anthurium blooms at soil level. This process is known as deadheading. By removing dead flowers, you redirect the plants energy from seed production to flower production.
- 2). Make sure your Anthurium has enough sunlight. Outdoors, Anthurium prefers medium to deep shade. Indoors, Anthurium must be in a well-lit room but out of direct sunlight. If an Anthurium does not have enough sunlight, it will not bloom.
- 3). Feed potted Anthuriums with a commercial houseplant fertilizer once every two weeks during the growing season. In winter, reduce the rate to once monthly. Apply a slow-release fertilizer to landscape Anthuriums twice annually. Anthuriums need adequate nutrition to keep blooming to their potential.
- 4). Keep your Anthurium warm. Anthuriums are subtropical plants. Ideally, the temperature in your Anthurium's environment should remain between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit to keep it blooming all year long. Temperatures below 60 degrees may cause your Anthurium to drop its flowers.