How to Obtain Birth, Marriage and Death Records in Maryland
Learn how and where to obtain birth, marriage, and death certificates and records in Maryland, including the dates for which Maryland vital records are available, where they are located, and links to online Maryland vital records databases.
Maryland Vital Records:
Division of Vital Records
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
6550 Reisterstown Road
Baltimore, MD 21215-0020
Phone: (410) 764-3038 or (800) 832–3277
What You Need to Know:
Personal check or money order should be made payable to Division of Vital Records. Call or visit the Web site to verify current fees. All requests MUST include the signature and a photocopy of a valid photo ID of the individual requesting the record. The state of Maryland does not accept payments for vital records certificates by credit card, but you can process requests with a credit card through VitalCheck.
Web site: Maryland Vital Statistics Administration
Maryland Birth Records:
Dates: From 1898 (from 1875 in Baltimore City)
Cost of copy: $24.00
Comments: Access to birth records in Maryland is restricted to the individual named on the certificate, the parent or guardian of that individual, the surviving spouse, a court-appointed guardian, or an authorized representative of the individual or a parent listed on the certificate..
With your request for a Maryland birth certificate, include as much as you can of the following: the name on the birth record being requested, date of birth, place of birth (city or county), father's full name, mothers full name (including her maiden name), your relationship to the person whose certificate is being requested, your daytime telephone number with area code, your handwritten signature and complete return mailing address.
Application for Maryland Birth Certificate
* Maryland birth records more than 100 years old (from 1878 in Baltimore City and 1898 for the rest of the state) are available from the Maryland State Archives with no access restrictions. Earlier birth records (from 1865) may be available for certain counties. The fee is $12.00 for a plain copy and $25 per certified copy. Request must include the full name, approximate date of birth and county.
Maryland State Archives
350 Rowe Blvd.
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: (410) 260-6400
Web site: Maryland State Archives
Maryland Death Records:
Dates: From 1898 (from 1875 in Baltimore City)
Cost of copy: $24.00
Comments: Access to death records in Maryland is restricted to surviving relatives of the deceased or their authorized representatives, and individuals who have a proven legal need. The State Vital Records Division only issues certified copies of death certificates for individuals who died from 1969 to the present. Earlier death records are available from the Maryland State Archives.
With your request for a Maryland death certificate, include as much as you can of the following: the name of the deceased, date of death, place of death (city or county), your relationship to the person whose certificate is being requested, your purpose for needing the copy, your full name, current address, daytime telephone number with area code and handwritten signature.
Application for Maryland Death Certificate
* Maryland death records prior to 1969 (from 1878 in Baltimore City and 1898 for the rest of the state) are available from the Maryland State Archives with no access restrictions. Earlier death records (from 1865) may be available for certain counties. The fee is $12.00 for a plain copy and $25 per certified copy. Request must include the full name, approximate date of death and county.
Maryland Death Index, 1898-1944 (free) *Includes Baltimore City deaths back to 1875
Maryland Marriage Records:
Dates: Varies by county
Cost of Copy: Varies
Comments: The state vital statistics division only issues certified copies of marriage certificates from 1990. For marriage records prior to 1990, send your request to the Clerk of Circuit Court in the county where the marriage license was issued or the Clerk of Common Pleas of Baltimore City for marriage licenses issued in the city of Baltimore.
Copies of marriage records from 1777 through 1950 can also be obtained through the Maryland State Archives.
Maryland Marriage Records Index 1655-1850 (subscription only)
Maryland Divorce Records:
Dates: Varies by county
Cost of copy: Varies
Comments: Send your request to the Clerk of Circuit Court for the county where the divorce decree was granted. The Maryland State Archives also has divorce records for Baltimore City and several counties into the 1980s for some jurisdiction.
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