Friendship Tips - Four Ways to Know She"s Just Not That Interested in Being Your Girlfriend
It's common to be enthusiastic when you are introduced to a new friend or discover you share interests with another woman.
It's no secret that woman to woman friendships can be very deep, supportive and long lasting.
Boyfriends and marriages come and go, but deep friendships last forever.
We must face that all friendships aren't meant to last.
There are plenty of women who are just not interested in being your girlfriend.
Here are four red flags that she's just not that interested in being your girlfriend.
She answers your phone call with "Could I call you right back?" and never does.
I realize that there are many reasons for the hesitance of one person to pursue friendship with another.
More than once I have been that person who didn't return calls or who declined to get any closer to someone.
Your friend may be going through tough times and just needs space to sort it out.
As I get older I'm not willing to build relationships with toxic or needy people.
It's not your job to psychoanalyze.
Just respect the other person's need for distance.
She only goes to lunch when a mutual friend is in town, but doesn't stay in touch in between.
You are clearly a fringe friend, but not the central one.
Get over it and move on.
When you both work at the same job you have lunch together everyday and talk on the phone frequently, but the relationship dwindles when you move on to another job or another town.
One coworker once confessed that she had close girlfriends when she lived in Arkansas and then in New Orleans, but since moving to California she hasn't stayed in touch.
When I asked her why not, she said, "I just don't write.
" (This was long before email, but not before telephones.
) Although she enjoyed these relationships when it was convenient, she just didn't care enough to sustain them when they required effort.
She doesn't show up at all for lunch or movie dates.
This is the girlfriend who is notoriously late, and has even been a no-show.
This person doesn't care about your time or feelings.
How long will you wait for this person to show? How many times must this person flake before you call it quits? Friendships take on many forms and have many purposes.
Some of our girlfriends will be once in a while encounters; others will be deep intimate ones with whom we can disclose our innermost thoughts.
Sometimes we outgrow friendships or see our friends in a new light or no longer will tolerate the dysfunction we once forgave.
It would be great if we could be honest and inform our friend, but this is difficult and maybe not always helpful.
It's important to recognize when someone-girlfriend or otherwise-is just not interested in you.
Relationships take work, time and energy.
The sooner you recognize when another woman is just not that into being your friend, the sooner you can make room for nurturing mutually satisfying relationships.
It's no secret that woman to woman friendships can be very deep, supportive and long lasting.
Boyfriends and marriages come and go, but deep friendships last forever.
We must face that all friendships aren't meant to last.
There are plenty of women who are just not interested in being your girlfriend.
Here are four red flags that she's just not that interested in being your girlfriend.
She answers your phone call with "Could I call you right back?" and never does.
I realize that there are many reasons for the hesitance of one person to pursue friendship with another.
More than once I have been that person who didn't return calls or who declined to get any closer to someone.
Your friend may be going through tough times and just needs space to sort it out.
As I get older I'm not willing to build relationships with toxic or needy people.
It's not your job to psychoanalyze.
Just respect the other person's need for distance.
She only goes to lunch when a mutual friend is in town, but doesn't stay in touch in between.
You are clearly a fringe friend, but not the central one.
Get over it and move on.
When you both work at the same job you have lunch together everyday and talk on the phone frequently, but the relationship dwindles when you move on to another job or another town.
One coworker once confessed that she had close girlfriends when she lived in Arkansas and then in New Orleans, but since moving to California she hasn't stayed in touch.
When I asked her why not, she said, "I just don't write.
" (This was long before email, but not before telephones.
) Although she enjoyed these relationships when it was convenient, she just didn't care enough to sustain them when they required effort.
She doesn't show up at all for lunch or movie dates.
This is the girlfriend who is notoriously late, and has even been a no-show.
This person doesn't care about your time or feelings.
How long will you wait for this person to show? How many times must this person flake before you call it quits? Friendships take on many forms and have many purposes.
Some of our girlfriends will be once in a while encounters; others will be deep intimate ones with whom we can disclose our innermost thoughts.
Sometimes we outgrow friendships or see our friends in a new light or no longer will tolerate the dysfunction we once forgave.
It would be great if we could be honest and inform our friend, but this is difficult and maybe not always helpful.
It's important to recognize when someone-girlfriend or otherwise-is just not interested in you.
Relationships take work, time and energy.
The sooner you recognize when another woman is just not that into being your friend, the sooner you can make room for nurturing mutually satisfying relationships.