Enlistment Rates for the Australian Army in 1916
- By 1915, over 18,000 men had enlisted in southern Australia; but in 1916, the total enlistment only added about 10,000 more volunteers. As a result, it was decided that Australia needed reinforcements of at least 5,500 enlistees per month.
- With the depletion of enlisting troops, Prime Minister Hughes proposed a referendum on October 28, 1916. The Prime Minister proposed that men who were undergoing compulsory training would be forced to serve overseas, but the referendum lost by over 72,000 votes.
- In order to promote enlistment, the government issued letters, posters, news editorials and even poetry. A print advertisement read "Enlist! Enlist!" and included a letter from a serving soldier to his father describing the agony of war and claiming that further reinforcements could save lives.
1916 Referendum