Learn About the Causes of Thinning Hair and Alternative Hair Loss Treatments to Stimulate Regrowth
Millions of women and men are losing an excessive number of strands but everyone not should use the same methods to reverse it.
The reason is that there are several causes of thinning hair.
The type of treatment you will need should be determined by the type of hair loss you are facing.
There are some alternative hair loss treatments which are very effective in stimulating the strands to grow back.
Common Causes of Thinning Hair It is necessary to find out if the is a health related reason for the shedding strands.
Conditions such as anemia, hormonal changes, lupus, thyroid problems, and an unhealthy diet can cause the strands to fall out excessively.
In healthy situations, a person will shed about 100 strands every day.
If you are losing more than that, there may be a problem.
Your physician can evaluate you to see if an issue with your health is causing you to shed excessively.
If this turns out to be the case, then your treatment for this condition may also result in your strands growing back.
Certain medications can also be causes of thinning hair.
This includes antidepressants, blood thinners, gout medication, and chemotherapy medications.
Male Pattern Baldness Male pattern baldness is one of the most common causes of thinning hair.
The medical name for this condition is androgenic alopecia and it affects women too.
A hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) causes the strands to shed excessively and is linked to this condition.
Women produce DHT in their ovaries and men produce it in their testicles.
DHT destroys the follicles.
This causes the strands to fall out.
Androgenic alopecia can be minimized by using alternative hair loss treatments that slow down the production of DHT.
Alternative Hair Loss Treatments Alternative hair loss treatments include the herb saw palmetto, which reduces DHT levels in the body.
Vitamin B gives the strands the protein they need in order to grow.
It also gives the strands a healthy glow.
The reason is that there are several causes of thinning hair.
The type of treatment you will need should be determined by the type of hair loss you are facing.
There are some alternative hair loss treatments which are very effective in stimulating the strands to grow back.
Common Causes of Thinning Hair It is necessary to find out if the is a health related reason for the shedding strands.
Conditions such as anemia, hormonal changes, lupus, thyroid problems, and an unhealthy diet can cause the strands to fall out excessively.
In healthy situations, a person will shed about 100 strands every day.
If you are losing more than that, there may be a problem.
Your physician can evaluate you to see if an issue with your health is causing you to shed excessively.
If this turns out to be the case, then your treatment for this condition may also result in your strands growing back.
Certain medications can also be causes of thinning hair.
This includes antidepressants, blood thinners, gout medication, and chemotherapy medications.
Male Pattern Baldness Male pattern baldness is one of the most common causes of thinning hair.
The medical name for this condition is androgenic alopecia and it affects women too.
A hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) causes the strands to shed excessively and is linked to this condition.
Women produce DHT in their ovaries and men produce it in their testicles.
DHT destroys the follicles.
This causes the strands to fall out.
Androgenic alopecia can be minimized by using alternative hair loss treatments that slow down the production of DHT.
Alternative Hair Loss Treatments Alternative hair loss treatments include the herb saw palmetto, which reduces DHT levels in the body.
Vitamin B gives the strands the protein they need in order to grow.
It also gives the strands a healthy glow.