Blooming Of Water In An Aquarium
People have started to be interested in aquariums thousand years ago.
The Egyptian Pharaons were forefathers present aquariums.
During those ancienttimes maintenance special ponds or vessels with fishes was the luxury accessiblenot to everyone.
However, today aquariums can be met in many houses and variousestablishments.
Care about fish business uneasy, in fact they demand the whole systemwith plants, clean water, correct temperature and illumination.
Therefore,problems arising in an aquarium, unfortunately, concern not only fishes, butalso plants, and water.
In the summer, at strong illumination and high temperature, water in an aquariumcan become green.
It - result of duplication of microscopic seaweed, more oftenEuglena.
Blooming of water will not bring the big harm to fishes if only theyhave not got there suddenly.
Nevertheless, to this problem it is necessary toconsider seriously.
Usually green strike on glass, devices and seaweed is harmless.
Sometimes it is enough to scrape greens by a scraper from a wall and to removefrom seaweed and devices in water put some kinds of Mayfish which eat microalga.
Frequently water in an aquarium can become green because of surplus offossils at the bottom.
Therefore, before to carry out any cleaning proceduresbe convinced, that the bottom is clean.
The first way of disposal of surplus of microscopic seaweed - to closean aquarium a fabric which does not pass light, or to shade otherwise.
It isnecessary to take an aquarium in such condition up to an clearing of water.
The second way of struggle against blooming water consists in the following.
Inan aquarium put much Daphnia, thus of them should be so much, how many the fishcannot quickly eat.
These crawfishes will eat allEuglena for one day.
Only be cautious - it isimpossible to release much Daphnia in the overpopulated aquarium.
The matter isthat at lack of oxygen Daphnia will be lost, and it will increase defacement ofwater.
When on walls of an aquarium, devices and seaweed there is kelp are cantestify to insufficient illumination of an aquarium.
Usually such problemarises in the winter.
kelp causes illness in plants, and in a consequence andtheir extinction.
To cure plants it is possible having placed an aquarium onthe covered place, or having established above them of a lamp.
One of versions of the organisms polluting an aquarium, are blue-greenalgae.
They will unusually quickly be multiplied and suppress development ofplants.
To struggle with them it is necessary very cautiously.
Walls should becleaned a scraper, and a strike on devices and plants cautiously to remove byfingers.
Besides it, it is necessary to loosen a ground and to put the fisheseating seaweed, to feed them it is necessary moderately.
The aquarium is closedecosystem in which except for fishes and plants, billions alive essences live.
That the aquarium always pleased with the paints, regular care of an aquariumand understanding of biological processes in this small world is necessary.
The Egyptian Pharaons were forefathers present aquariums.
During those ancienttimes maintenance special ponds or vessels with fishes was the luxury accessiblenot to everyone.
However, today aquariums can be met in many houses and variousestablishments.
Care about fish business uneasy, in fact they demand the whole systemwith plants, clean water, correct temperature and illumination.
Therefore,problems arising in an aquarium, unfortunately, concern not only fishes, butalso plants, and water.
In the summer, at strong illumination and high temperature, water in an aquariumcan become green.
It - result of duplication of microscopic seaweed, more oftenEuglena.
Blooming of water will not bring the big harm to fishes if only theyhave not got there suddenly.
Nevertheless, to this problem it is necessary toconsider seriously.
Usually green strike on glass, devices and seaweed is harmless.
Sometimes it is enough to scrape greens by a scraper from a wall and to removefrom seaweed and devices in water put some kinds of Mayfish which eat microalga.
Frequently water in an aquarium can become green because of surplus offossils at the bottom.
Therefore, before to carry out any cleaning proceduresbe convinced, that the bottom is clean.
The first way of disposal of surplus of microscopic seaweed - to closean aquarium a fabric which does not pass light, or to shade otherwise.
It isnecessary to take an aquarium in such condition up to an clearing of water.
The second way of struggle against blooming water consists in the following.
Inan aquarium put much Daphnia, thus of them should be so much, how many the fishcannot quickly eat.
These crawfishes will eat allEuglena for one day.
Only be cautious - it isimpossible to release much Daphnia in the overpopulated aquarium.
The matter isthat at lack of oxygen Daphnia will be lost, and it will increase defacement ofwater.
When on walls of an aquarium, devices and seaweed there is kelp are cantestify to insufficient illumination of an aquarium.
Usually such problemarises in the winter.
kelp causes illness in plants, and in a consequence andtheir extinction.
To cure plants it is possible having placed an aquarium onthe covered place, or having established above them of a lamp.
One of versions of the organisms polluting an aquarium, are blue-greenalgae.
They will unusually quickly be multiplied and suppress development ofplants.
To struggle with them it is necessary very cautiously.
Walls should becleaned a scraper, and a strike on devices and plants cautiously to remove byfingers.
Besides it, it is necessary to loosen a ground and to put the fisheseating seaweed, to feed them it is necessary moderately.
The aquarium is closedecosystem in which except for fishes and plants, billions alive essences live.
That the aquarium always pleased with the paints, regular care of an aquariumand understanding of biological processes in this small world is necessary.