Make Money Blogging - Profit Potential
It sounds unbelievable, but simple blogs being set up by everyday men and women are raking in tens of thousands of dollars each month in ad revenue and selling for upwards of $15 million.
But does this mean Joe Blogger can set up his own average blog and make money blogging the same way these special cases do? If you go about it the right way, you can! If you want to cash in with a blog of big buck proportions, then you want to set it up from start to finish in a way that helps you make money blogging through sales links, but also attracts advertisers and buyers to make you an offer you can't refuse.
A blog can be set up in mere minutes.
You register a domain (or use a free site like WordPress or Blogger), point your servers to your hosting company, click the Fantastico blog button, and it's live! From that point on, the secret to helping you make money blogging is in the details.
What theme will you use? What layout? Do you ping or not? If this all sounds foreign to you, then don't worry - it's really simple once you have the right guidance.
What will you need to commit to as a part time or full time professional blogger? 1.
) Frequency - you have to blog on a regular basis, which might mean weekly, but it's best if it's daily.
The more you blog, the more often search engines visit your site.
) Laws - know the laws surrounding images and copyrights that you need to adhere to.
) Consumer needs - if you don't know what your readers want to know about, then your readership will suffer.
If your goal is to be the next Perez Hilton, whose blog is rumored to make over $50,000 a month in ad space, or sell your blog like Bankoholic.
com's owner just did for a cool $15 mil, then you'll want to discover the intricate details of adding the best bells and whistles to your blog.
At first, you may only make a few dollars a day in AdSense revenue, but your blog will quickly become fodder for the search engine spiders like Googlebots, who will hand deliver buyers and advertisers to your virtual door with a knock and a fist full of cash for you to consider.
But does this mean Joe Blogger can set up his own average blog and make money blogging the same way these special cases do? If you go about it the right way, you can! If you want to cash in with a blog of big buck proportions, then you want to set it up from start to finish in a way that helps you make money blogging through sales links, but also attracts advertisers and buyers to make you an offer you can't refuse.
A blog can be set up in mere minutes.
You register a domain (or use a free site like WordPress or Blogger), point your servers to your hosting company, click the Fantastico blog button, and it's live! From that point on, the secret to helping you make money blogging is in the details.
What theme will you use? What layout? Do you ping or not? If this all sounds foreign to you, then don't worry - it's really simple once you have the right guidance.
What will you need to commit to as a part time or full time professional blogger? 1.
) Frequency - you have to blog on a regular basis, which might mean weekly, but it's best if it's daily.
The more you blog, the more often search engines visit your site.
) Laws - know the laws surrounding images and copyrights that you need to adhere to.
) Consumer needs - if you don't know what your readers want to know about, then your readership will suffer.
If your goal is to be the next Perez Hilton, whose blog is rumored to make over $50,000 a month in ad space, or sell your blog like Bankoholic.
com's owner just did for a cool $15 mil, then you'll want to discover the intricate details of adding the best bells and whistles to your blog.
At first, you may only make a few dollars a day in AdSense revenue, but your blog will quickly become fodder for the search engine spiders like Googlebots, who will hand deliver buyers and advertisers to your virtual door with a knock and a fist full of cash for you to consider.