Summer fitness Dos and Don"ts
With summer in full force, it means lots of great options are available for fitness. However, with the extra-sunny skies and warmer temperatures come many potential hazards.
In order to keep yourself and family healthy in the great outdoors here are some summer fitness dos and don'ts:
In order to keep yourself and family healthy in the great outdoors here are some summer fitness dos and don'ts:
- Do pay extra attention to staying hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids and remember to drink liquids before you feel a need to. Drink 15-20 minutes before your workout and at least take small drinks every 10-15 minutes.
- Don't drink a lot of caffeinated beverages or alcohol if you are going to be outside for very long. They will actually lead to you becoming more dehydrated.
- Do eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day. Fill your plate at least half full with fruits and vegetables.
- Don't overstuff yourself at one or two real big meals. This will make you more sluggish and gain weight.
- Do wear loose fitting. Light-colored clothes to help keep cooler. Clothes with moisture-wicking material do an excellent job at controlling perspiration.
- Don't forget to drink liquids while swimming. Just because you're body is surrounded by water doesn't mean you are staying hydrated. You can get dehydrated at the swimming pool if you don't keep drinking liquids.
- Do wear an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen to help protect your skin from the sun's damaging rays. Even in the early and late hours of the day you can still be at risk for sun damage.
- Don't do activities and exercises that are unfamiliar to you during the hottest parts of the day. You might not realize how much it's stressing your body.
- Do check the forecast to help determine the best days and times to exercise outdoors.
- Don't overdo it in the sweltering sun. Heat-related illnesses usually come on with few warning signs. If you are feeling overheated, worn down, dehydrated or light-headed, get out of the sun immediately and take a break.
- Do work out early or late in the day to take advantage of the coolest temperatures for the day. If you plan accordingly you can still do things you like during the hottest months, such as go for walks, ride a bike or play golf.
- Don't exercise between 10 a.m.-3 p.m., which are usually the warmest times of the day. Avoid extreme changes in temperature. Acclimate yourself slowly before coming back inside or going outside.
- Do take advantage of your home gym during the summer! A treadmill, elliptical machine, weights, etc. are a great way to stay in shape.