What Items Can a Truck Driver Itemize on His Taxes?
- As a truck driver, you have the option of deducting the costs associated with purchasing any uniforms and protective clothing needed for your employment. According to the IRS, in order for uniforms to be deductible, they must be worn as a condition of your employment, and they cannot be suitable for everyday wear. Truck drivers also have the option of deducting protective clothing such as work gloves, steel-toed boots, hard hats, safety glasses and rain gear.
- Any truck-related expenses a driver incurs is also deductible. Truck expenses typically fall under the categories of maintenance, repairs and supplies. Examples of maintenance expenses include oil changes, tuneups and vehicle inspections. Repairs can include repairs for the truck itself, or repairs for equipment associated with the truck such as the CB radio. The category of truck supplies encompasses everything a truck driver needs while on the road. Examples include tie-down straps, jumper cables, chains, tarps, fuel, bungee cords and floor-mats.
- Since many truck drivers are required to spend a significant time away from home, many personal care items need to be brought along with them. These personal care items are tax deductible for the driver. Common examples of personal care items include shaving supplies, tissues, laundry detergent, fabric softener, towels, toiletries, pillows, sheets, sleeping bags, grooming supplies, hand cleaners and sanitizers. Expenses truck drivers incur for using shower and laundry facilities while on the road are also deductible.
- Any expenses a truck driver incurs for items that are expected to be useful for more than one year are considered capital expenses. When deducting capital expenses, you'll need to know the date the item was put into use, and the exact purchase cost. Therefore, it's imperative to keep receipts and detailed records. Common examples of capital expenses for truck drivers include GPS equipment, refrigerators, microwaves, CB radios, cab furniture, televisions, computers, generators, heating units and portable vacuums.
Uniforms and Protective Clothing
Truck Expenses
Personal Care Items
Capital Expenses