Jazz Festivals in Austin
- The St. James Jazz Festival, hosted for the last 15 years by St. James’ Episcopal Church, combines jazz, funk, R&B and rock. It is usually held in mid-November and includes free educational sessions for jazz students, concerts for the general public and jazz masses at all of St. James’ church services. Jazz artists like saxophonists Javon Jackson and George Cables, drummer Louis Hayes, bassist Corcoran Holt, Joe Morales and Donna Mehthol have all performed at the St. James’ Jazz Festival.
- The Austin Jazz Society produces the Austin Jazz Festival every October. The Jazz Society’s goal is to memorialize professional jazz musicians who have performed in and around Austin at some point during their careers. Through concerts and workshops, they assist, encourage and educate current performing jazz artists and students of jazz music. Artists such as the late Tony Campise, Ephraim Owens, Blaze, and the Gabriel Santiago Quintet have performed during this festival.
- Every April, Austin puts on the Old Settler’s Music Festival, which features Grammy-winning Americana music--acoustic jazz, blues and bluegrass--from artists from all over the world. Held at the Salt Lick BBQ Pavilion near Austin’s historic Salt Lick Barbecue Restaurant, the festival attracts people from all over central Texas, who camp out at Camp Ben McCulloch just across the street. Artists who have performed at the OSMF have included Patty Griffin, Buddy Miller, the Joe Ely Band, Alejandro Escovedo and Buddy Miller.
- DiverseArts, an organization in Austin devoted to promoting the arts of the African-American community, holds the Austin Jazz and Arts Festival every two years at the end of September. It is the oldest jazz festival in Austin. Besides celebrating the city's diverse musical and cultural heritage, this festival also includes spoken word, children’s activities, fine arts, crafts and exhibitions.
- No discussion of Austin jazz festivals would be complete without the Austin City Limits Music Festival, the city's premier music festival. The ACL Music Festival is held each October, and it boasts A-list artists from every genre of music, including jazz.
St. James Jazz Festival
Austin Jazz Festival
Old Settler's Music Festival
Austin Jazz and Arts Festival
Austin City Limits Festival