How to Leave a Social Event Before It's Over
- 1). Decide whether curtailed attendance is worth attending at all. Sometimes it is better to skip an event entirely than leave before it's over. For example, a professional sports event can cost a lot of money, so it might be better to skip it then have to leave at halftime. You should also weigh the risk of disappointing, offending, and possibly alienating, others. Leaving a party early can leave hosts and fellow guests hurt or angry. Likewise, if you can only attend part of a grade school performance, don't go at all if you are going to miss your child's solo.
- 2). Plan ahead. If you want to leave before a social or business obligation ends, situate yourself somewhere easy to escape. For example, choose an aisle seat at the movie theater that is close to an exit. If you want to leave a dull party before it's over, park the car where it will not get blocked in, trapping you for the entire excruciating evening.
- 3). Have a store of credible excuses ready. Convenient explanations that most people won't challenge include sickness, whether your own ailment of that of a close family member. If you have kids or elderly relatives, saying that they are sick or stranded gives you a nearly ironclad excuse to get out of almost any event. Car trouble also works well in many situations. Claiming work commitments can get you out of many social situations with little or no protest.
- 4). Find a way to make up your contribution if you are leaving a work situation before it's over. If a deadline is looming, leaving early leaves your teammates holding the bag. You will be thoroughly loathed for that and can even face disciplinary action. Make sure to get your work done without adversely impacting your colleagues or the work itself.
- 5). Be considerate of those around you when leaving early. Not only is this proper etiquette, it helps you depart unobtrusively. For example, wait until intermission to leave a concert or play. In any situation, exiting quickly and quietly speeds you on your way and makes your disappearance less obvious.