How to Use a Pentair Pool Pump
- 1). Determine the flow rates for the different features and devices in your pool by using the manual mode. Each pool is different and requires its own flow rates. Turn the pump on and press the "Manual" button on the control. Press the "Start and Stop" button until "Manual RPM" appears in the upper left hand corner. The pump is now operating in manual RPM mode.
- 2). Use the up and down arrows to display the power, actual speed and flow. When a setting is selected, use the right and left arrows to change the settings. This will highlight different digits. Then the up and down arrows will change the number in the selected digit. Press "Enter" to save your changes. There are two options: set speed and set flow to change the flow values. See how the power consumption changes depending on the flow and speed. Set the best speed for your pool's needs. This can take some trial and error to find the best flow and pump speed.
- 3). Select backwash mode when the clean filter pressure is reached. This is an important part of maintaining and cleaning the system. A backwash is needed when a cartridge filter is replaced or cleaned. Press the "Start and Stop" button to enter the backwash mode. The pump will operate for the time and flow rate specified in the backwash setting menu. The control panel will show the duration of the program. When the backwash stops and the pump moves onto the rinse cycle, you must push the Start and Stop" button to start the rinse cycle. Once the backwash and rinse cycle are complete, the filter status is reset to zero percent.
- 4). Use the vacuum mode when manually cleaning the pool. Press the "Start and Stop" button and "Vacuum" will appear on the screen. Use the up, down and right and left arrows to set the actual speed for cleaning, flow, power and duration.
- 5). Select filter mode for regular use as the pump is circulating the water. As with the other modes the power, actual speed, flow and filter status are displayed and can be changed.
- 6). Set the feature one and two mode for special water features, such as waterfall or spa. Use the arrow buttons to set the duration and flow parameters for each feature.
- 7). Use the pump control panel to change any other setting. You can adjust the pressure, flow and speed for any operating mode. Optimize your pool system to reduce your energy consumption.