My Marriage is Over and I"m Unemployed - Now What?
Unhappily married and unemployed...
It's not a fun place to be.
When your marriage is clearly going downhill, it's time to plan an exit strategy.
Without a means of financially providing for yourself, doing so can feel like an impossible task.
The goal, then, is to get working but what if three, six and nine moths have passed and there's still no job? What can you do? At this point, what you need, right now, is steady income.
It would be nice to find that in a line of work you truly enjoy but the decline of your marriage isn't necessarily going to wait for that.
Here are three things you can do: #1- Create two or three versions of your resume so you can apply for different types of jobs.
From very basic to highly skilled, the goal is to bring in your own income.
Use a very basic resume for low skill jobs (server, hostess, data entry, cleaning, etc.
Use your professional resume for higher skilled jobs.
Get all of your resumes out there and apply for any and all jobs that will pay you something.
Even if the amount of money you make is small, it's still your money.
#2- Start your own online business.
With the availability of technology and the vastness of the Internet, it is absolutely possible to start a business with $0.
How? 1) Determine what you're good at and create a product for it.
2) Start a website as a blog using Blogger (and get a free email account using Google) 3) Sign up for PayPal and put a PayPal button on your blog with the price you'll be charging clients 4) Get a Facebook and Twitter account (both free) so you can start social media marketing 5) Create great content by writing on your blog daily 6) Tell all your friends and relatives (spread the word) 7) Email potential clients regularly 8) Believe in your business, even when nothing's happen It's important to keep in mind that you can start a business, even as you look for work.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
#3- Find a way to go back to school and get a better degree that will help you in the job market.
Yes, it takes time but if you've been applying for jobs for the past six to twelve months with no luck, guess what? You've got time.
Keep learning.
As much as you might be tired of your current marital situation, it's never a smart move to get up and leave without a clear exit strategy.
Yes, it may take longer to exit the marriage but don't believe for a second that you'll be happier divorced and broke than you are unhappily married and somewhat financially stable.
The key to getting out is moving up and the best way to accomplish that is in the pre-divorce phase.
It's not a fun place to be.
When your marriage is clearly going downhill, it's time to plan an exit strategy.
Without a means of financially providing for yourself, doing so can feel like an impossible task.
The goal, then, is to get working but what if three, six and nine moths have passed and there's still no job? What can you do? At this point, what you need, right now, is steady income.
It would be nice to find that in a line of work you truly enjoy but the decline of your marriage isn't necessarily going to wait for that.
Here are three things you can do: #1- Create two or three versions of your resume so you can apply for different types of jobs.
From very basic to highly skilled, the goal is to bring in your own income.
Use a very basic resume for low skill jobs (server, hostess, data entry, cleaning, etc.
Use your professional resume for higher skilled jobs.
Get all of your resumes out there and apply for any and all jobs that will pay you something.
Even if the amount of money you make is small, it's still your money.
#2- Start your own online business.
With the availability of technology and the vastness of the Internet, it is absolutely possible to start a business with $0.
How? 1) Determine what you're good at and create a product for it.
2) Start a website as a blog using Blogger (and get a free email account using Google) 3) Sign up for PayPal and put a PayPal button on your blog with the price you'll be charging clients 4) Get a Facebook and Twitter account (both free) so you can start social media marketing 5) Create great content by writing on your blog daily 6) Tell all your friends and relatives (spread the word) 7) Email potential clients regularly 8) Believe in your business, even when nothing's happen It's important to keep in mind that you can start a business, even as you look for work.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
#3- Find a way to go back to school and get a better degree that will help you in the job market.
Yes, it takes time but if you've been applying for jobs for the past six to twelve months with no luck, guess what? You've got time.
Keep learning.
As much as you might be tired of your current marital situation, it's never a smart move to get up and leave without a clear exit strategy.
Yes, it may take longer to exit the marriage but don't believe for a second that you'll be happier divorced and broke than you are unhappily married and somewhat financially stable.
The key to getting out is moving up and the best way to accomplish that is in the pre-divorce phase.