Teleteria Watches the World Spin Out of Control
The world is going to a place boldly where no man has gone before. Truer words were never spoken. The frightening part is that no one knows the answers. No one knows where this all ends or how to fix it.
First OWS is growing and becoming a national force to be reckoned with which is a good thing or is it?
it depends as to who has the helm. Who is in control and what is their agenda? I dont know and I am quite sure the bulk of them dont either. In general I like the idea, the 99% of the population with little or no net worth massing together to speak their mind. I can appreciate the sentiment as I have been in that position. However, I worked hard to get out of that position and I didnt do it by sitting in a park all day protesting.
Herman Cain. Hes a businessman and I like that, Not beholden to any political party or is he? I dont know him, do you? He talks and walks like the rest of us but I dont know his agenda and besides the 9 9 9 plan what is his agenda?
Frankly I could care less if he got fresh with a couple of girls. Men with money and power always do and nothing will change that. Perhaps I Jay Servidio should run for public office?
Rick Perry is lucky I even mention him in this peice period.
On to Iran or as I prefer to call it, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Get Nervous When They Get the Bomb. Iran is run by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Most people associate Iran as an Arab state. Its not. Its Persian. Ahmadinejad is Lithuanian by birth, raised by his paternal grandfather, a fisherman. Or is that Captain Rameous? I get confused. The catepillar system of propulsion is quite ingenius. Almost totally undetectable to our radar. Anyway, this guy cant get the bomb. He also cant take over Iraq which are their long term plans. How do I know that if I never met him? Dont ask.
Ok Europe. Italy and Greece need to charge a larger tax on tourists. Right off the plane fare and let it go right toward the debt, case closed in one year.
Fianally BattleField 3. I am a huge BF 2 fan, play it everyday and I mean everyday. Teleteriaman is my screen name. A huge stretch I agree. I am in Karkand. I only play Karkand and I never play outside Karkand period. So thats all I have to say about BF 3 other then I never played it cause I dont leave Karkand in BF 2.
So visit me on Teleteria and get back to work.
First OWS is growing and becoming a national force to be reckoned with which is a good thing or is it?
it depends as to who has the helm. Who is in control and what is their agenda? I dont know and I am quite sure the bulk of them dont either. In general I like the idea, the 99% of the population with little or no net worth massing together to speak their mind. I can appreciate the sentiment as I have been in that position. However, I worked hard to get out of that position and I didnt do it by sitting in a park all day protesting.
Herman Cain. Hes a businessman and I like that, Not beholden to any political party or is he? I dont know him, do you? He talks and walks like the rest of us but I dont know his agenda and besides the 9 9 9 plan what is his agenda?
Frankly I could care less if he got fresh with a couple of girls. Men with money and power always do and nothing will change that. Perhaps I Jay Servidio should run for public office?
Rick Perry is lucky I even mention him in this peice period.
On to Iran or as I prefer to call it, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Get Nervous When They Get the Bomb. Iran is run by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Most people associate Iran as an Arab state. Its not. Its Persian. Ahmadinejad is Lithuanian by birth, raised by his paternal grandfather, a fisherman. Or is that Captain Rameous? I get confused. The catepillar system of propulsion is quite ingenius. Almost totally undetectable to our radar. Anyway, this guy cant get the bomb. He also cant take over Iraq which are their long term plans. How do I know that if I never met him? Dont ask.
Ok Europe. Italy and Greece need to charge a larger tax on tourists. Right off the plane fare and let it go right toward the debt, case closed in one year.
Fianally BattleField 3. I am a huge BF 2 fan, play it everyday and I mean everyday. Teleteriaman is my screen name. A huge stretch I agree. I am in Karkand. I only play Karkand and I never play outside Karkand period. So thats all I have to say about BF 3 other then I never played it cause I dont leave Karkand in BF 2.
So visit me on Teleteria and get back to work.