How to Eliminate Anxiety With Confidence
There is so much pressure on us nowadays to live up to an image of perfection.
We have to be a good partner, employee or employer, learner, parent, sibling, cleaner, driver, manager of finances, style pro, sexual partner, traveller, communicator and cook.
And whilst it would be amazing to be good at all these things, what we have to realise is that not all of us or any of us can be.
The more pressure you put on yourself to meet unrealistic criteria the less you will be confident as you will feel like you have failed on a regular basis which is not healthy as anxiety and other similar conditions can be a result of low self esteem and confidence.
Confidence is a term used to describe the faith you have in your abilities and skills.
This doesn't just mean you have to be good at everything but it means that you need to know your strength and weaknesses to such an extent that you will believe in those things you are good at and know how to adapt to those things you just aren't good at.
Not one of us is perfect and the sooner we realise this the sooner our lives can be happy and confident with anxiety banished.
To be a confident person we should be proud of the things we do have and not focus on the things we don't have.
Even if you really are suffering from low self esteem there will be something in your life no matter how big or small that you can be positive towards.
Take some time out and sit and think about the things in your life from the day you were born to now that you are proud of, no matter how little, write it down.
Don't be embarrassed as this list is just for you and it is something you can look at everyday to get that positive feeling and gratitude into your mind.
Once you have done this you will be reminded that you can achieve things and that it is you that has the control in your life and once you have done something once you can do it over and over again.
This doesn't mean if you are proud of having your little girl you should go out and have 10 children but what I am trying to say is that the things you have achieved are bred from confidence whether you think they are or not.
So take this energy and use it again in something you want to do and build those layers of confidence up to begin to reach your full potential and goals.
Becoming confident can seem daunting at first as you have probably led your life taking a back seat and wondering what to do, thinking that there is nothing you can do.
It may be a hard journey to get to where you want but there are 2 choices you have to realise: You can stay the way you are and fade into the background and feel this way forever or you can face your fears and start to make those small, small steps towards that future you have always wanted.
There are so many things you can do to enhance your confidence and self esteem that if you dedicate yourself to finding the new and strong you, you will never look back, only forward.
Say positive affirmations to yourself everyday, surround yourself with positive people, take things step by step, wear something you know you feel and look good in, ask for help, don't get fed up with what has happened in the past, accept and give compliments with ease, do some exercise, hold your head up high, challenge yourself and learn to laugh at yourself are just some of the things you can do to help you be and feel confident so the world will really be your oyster.
Practicing being confident and boosting positivity in your life is key to conquering anxiety in your life as you will face your fears and bounce back with more and more resilience until negative anxious feelings, thoughts and behaviours subside and your life reverts to something it once was and perhaps even better.
We have to be a good partner, employee or employer, learner, parent, sibling, cleaner, driver, manager of finances, style pro, sexual partner, traveller, communicator and cook.
And whilst it would be amazing to be good at all these things, what we have to realise is that not all of us or any of us can be.
The more pressure you put on yourself to meet unrealistic criteria the less you will be confident as you will feel like you have failed on a regular basis which is not healthy as anxiety and other similar conditions can be a result of low self esteem and confidence.
Confidence is a term used to describe the faith you have in your abilities and skills.
This doesn't just mean you have to be good at everything but it means that you need to know your strength and weaknesses to such an extent that you will believe in those things you are good at and know how to adapt to those things you just aren't good at.
Not one of us is perfect and the sooner we realise this the sooner our lives can be happy and confident with anxiety banished.
To be a confident person we should be proud of the things we do have and not focus on the things we don't have.
Even if you really are suffering from low self esteem there will be something in your life no matter how big or small that you can be positive towards.
Take some time out and sit and think about the things in your life from the day you were born to now that you are proud of, no matter how little, write it down.
Don't be embarrassed as this list is just for you and it is something you can look at everyday to get that positive feeling and gratitude into your mind.
Once you have done this you will be reminded that you can achieve things and that it is you that has the control in your life and once you have done something once you can do it over and over again.
This doesn't mean if you are proud of having your little girl you should go out and have 10 children but what I am trying to say is that the things you have achieved are bred from confidence whether you think they are or not.
So take this energy and use it again in something you want to do and build those layers of confidence up to begin to reach your full potential and goals.
Becoming confident can seem daunting at first as you have probably led your life taking a back seat and wondering what to do, thinking that there is nothing you can do.
It may be a hard journey to get to where you want but there are 2 choices you have to realise: You can stay the way you are and fade into the background and feel this way forever or you can face your fears and start to make those small, small steps towards that future you have always wanted.
There are so many things you can do to enhance your confidence and self esteem that if you dedicate yourself to finding the new and strong you, you will never look back, only forward.
Say positive affirmations to yourself everyday, surround yourself with positive people, take things step by step, wear something you know you feel and look good in, ask for help, don't get fed up with what has happened in the past, accept and give compliments with ease, do some exercise, hold your head up high, challenge yourself and learn to laugh at yourself are just some of the things you can do to help you be and feel confident so the world will really be your oyster.
Practicing being confident and boosting positivity in your life is key to conquering anxiety in your life as you will face your fears and bounce back with more and more resilience until negative anxious feelings, thoughts and behaviours subside and your life reverts to something it once was and perhaps even better.