How to Care for an Elephant Ear Plant Seed Pod
Things You'll Need
1Place your hand over the seed pod with your fingers around its base. Pull it off the plant. Twist back and forth a bit if it gives you trouble. Try not to crush the tiny white berries.
Pop each berry with your fingers to extract the dozens of tiny seeds inside each one. Work over a bowl to easily catch any tiny seeds. An alocasia seed pod can hold hundreds of seed pods. You don't have to extract them all. Aim for 10 times the number of seeds as plants you would like to grow to maturity. This allows for any unviable seeds and allows you to select and plant out the strongest seedlings among the crop.
Carefully rinse the seeds in the bowl to remove any clinging pulp.
Plant the seeds in a planting tray filled with quality seed-starting soil immediately. Scatter the seeds sparsely over the surface, press them in gently with your hands and cover them with 1/4 inch of soil. Keep the soil moist. Water with a spray bottle so as not to disturb the seeds with a deluge of water. The seeds will sprout within three weeks. Plant the strongest seedlings out when they grow four leaves.