Keys to Motivation
As a "Motivation Interested Individual, I have studied the subject of "Motivation.
" It is talked about a lot, but not very much is taught or written about it.
It seems to be a word that escapes us.
I often hear people say: "Can you motivate me?" or "I need motivating.
" or "I've lost my motivation.
" Part of the challenge in understanding the concept of "Motivation" is to understand what it means.
We seem to have a distorted definition of what it is.
Since we know that words have positive or negative energy connected to them, it is important that we know what words we are saying and what those words mean.
Let's begin our understanding into "Motivation" with a workable definition.
Motivation is: 1.
Making a Choice by you 2.
Taking a desired Action 3.
For a desired Result 4.
And do it whether you feel like it or not.
To me not being motivated is just plain LAZY.
If you have made a commitment to do something positive in your life, then DO IT.
As I have heard one man say "Get er done.
" Don't give up, continue on with your plan.
I have read "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
" Therefore to continue to remain motivated is to keep the right thoughts in our mind or heart.
And we will do as our mind tells us either positive or negative.
I know as I come in from a hard day at work, I hear my mind saying, "you need rest" don't do what you have committed to do.
Therefore if you listen to your thoughts, you will not be committed to your choice for action and a result that you want.
Take your three middle fingers and TAP LIGHTLY in between your eye brows called your third eye.
REPEAT THE CHAMPIONS CREED 3X, after the third time relax with your arms and hands to your side and take in three deep breaths, in through your nose and out your mouth.
Do this 3x, make sure you hold your breath for at least 3 to 5 seconds before exhaling.
Open your eyes after the last exhaling of your breath and FEEL the new energy that you CREATED...
Start kicking butt in the higher dimensions and your physical state will change rapidly with proving positive wealthy results...
DO IT NOW>>>>READY GO! Champion's Creed 1.
I am a champion 2.
I believe in myself 3.
I have the will to win 4.
I set higher goals for myself 5.
I surround myself with winners 6.
I'm cool, calm and confident 7.
I'm willing to pay to price for success 8.
I stay relaxed and in control at all times 9.
I focus all my energy on the job at hand 10.
I take responsibility for all my results 11.
I have the courage to endure and persist 12.
I vividly image what victory will feel like 13.
I am a champion and I will win
" It is talked about a lot, but not very much is taught or written about it.
It seems to be a word that escapes us.
I often hear people say: "Can you motivate me?" or "I need motivating.
" or "I've lost my motivation.
" Part of the challenge in understanding the concept of "Motivation" is to understand what it means.
We seem to have a distorted definition of what it is.
Since we know that words have positive or negative energy connected to them, it is important that we know what words we are saying and what those words mean.
Let's begin our understanding into "Motivation" with a workable definition.
Motivation is: 1.
Making a Choice by you 2.
Taking a desired Action 3.
For a desired Result 4.
And do it whether you feel like it or not.
To me not being motivated is just plain LAZY.
If you have made a commitment to do something positive in your life, then DO IT.
As I have heard one man say "Get er done.
" Don't give up, continue on with your plan.
I have read "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
" Therefore to continue to remain motivated is to keep the right thoughts in our mind or heart.
And we will do as our mind tells us either positive or negative.
I know as I come in from a hard day at work, I hear my mind saying, "you need rest" don't do what you have committed to do.
Therefore if you listen to your thoughts, you will not be committed to your choice for action and a result that you want.
Take your three middle fingers and TAP LIGHTLY in between your eye brows called your third eye.
REPEAT THE CHAMPIONS CREED 3X, after the third time relax with your arms and hands to your side and take in three deep breaths, in through your nose and out your mouth.
Do this 3x, make sure you hold your breath for at least 3 to 5 seconds before exhaling.
Open your eyes after the last exhaling of your breath and FEEL the new energy that you CREATED...
Start kicking butt in the higher dimensions and your physical state will change rapidly with proving positive wealthy results...
DO IT NOW>>>>READY GO! Champion's Creed 1.
I am a champion 2.
I believe in myself 3.
I have the will to win 4.
I set higher goals for myself 5.
I surround myself with winners 6.
I'm cool, calm and confident 7.
I'm willing to pay to price for success 8.
I stay relaxed and in control at all times 9.
I focus all my energy on the job at hand 10.
I take responsibility for all my results 11.
I have the courage to endure and persist 12.
I vividly image what victory will feel like 13.
I am a champion and I will win