Three Stages In The Life Of A "DoFollow" Blog
As internet marketers, we now know that the comments are the lifeblood of any blog.
The comment area allows visitors to tell us about their moods, interact with other visitors and leave a link to their own web space, and these reasons will make them to spend time on your web site.
However, it is important to change your approach and strategy to comment on your blog as it develops.
This will make your comment field to evolve along with your blog, encourage quality comments and discourage abusive or spam.
The first phase of growth of your blog is the beginning stage of the blog.
Your blog is just online.
You already save a bit of web traffic, but nothing of great value.
The visitors arrive, read and leave almost immediately, often without taking the time to leave a comment.
If this describes your blog, the first thing to do is to install an extension "DoFollow".
This extension will encourage a little more your visitors to leave comments, after all, a link is a link as low as.
You should also make sure to respond to comments.
Visitors love to feel they are involved in a discussion and the owner of the blog interacts with them.
The second growth phase is the intermediate step.
Your blog gets web traffic and regular feedback but some of the comments are starting to be out of subjects.
Do not feel guilty in moderating these comments, after all it's your blog.
It is time to start reducing the abusive behaviors.
You can add a page to your blog that specify your rules for comments and add something like: " Be nice, do not spam my blog.
" When your request is not met, report it as spam without any other explanations.
Congratulations, you've reached the advanced stage.
You receive many comments every day and it starts to seem unmanageable.
It is now time to get serious about resolving the comments development during the previous step.
You may want to stop any form of advertising on your blog, even stopping to allow links to be followed (DoFollow).
But you can also use an extension that allows you to block any abusive comments such as "DoFollow".
This extension allows you to configure the deletion of the attribute "NoFollow" (do not forward), but more importantly it allows you to properly configure it.
You can delete the attribute "NoFollow" according to seniority (which you define), or if the comments were made by registered persons on your blog, you can also combine the two, you can release all reviews of this attribute and allow search engines to follow links in the comments.
For example you can use on your blog the following settings: NoFollow attribute is deleted when the message has more than one day,and it is immediately removed if the people are registered on the blog; for any other person the seniority will prevail.
I am also a moderator and each first comment is not published if I do not validate...
It is a very useful extension that is a quick way to effortlessly keep your comment box free of spam.
The comment area allows visitors to tell us about their moods, interact with other visitors and leave a link to their own web space, and these reasons will make them to spend time on your web site.
However, it is important to change your approach and strategy to comment on your blog as it develops.
This will make your comment field to evolve along with your blog, encourage quality comments and discourage abusive or spam.
The first phase of growth of your blog is the beginning stage of the blog.
Your blog is just online.
You already save a bit of web traffic, but nothing of great value.
The visitors arrive, read and leave almost immediately, often without taking the time to leave a comment.
If this describes your blog, the first thing to do is to install an extension "DoFollow".
This extension will encourage a little more your visitors to leave comments, after all, a link is a link as low as.
You should also make sure to respond to comments.
Visitors love to feel they are involved in a discussion and the owner of the blog interacts with them.
The second growth phase is the intermediate step.
Your blog gets web traffic and regular feedback but some of the comments are starting to be out of subjects.
Do not feel guilty in moderating these comments, after all it's your blog.
It is time to start reducing the abusive behaviors.
You can add a page to your blog that specify your rules for comments and add something like: " Be nice, do not spam my blog.
" When your request is not met, report it as spam without any other explanations.
Congratulations, you've reached the advanced stage.
You receive many comments every day and it starts to seem unmanageable.
It is now time to get serious about resolving the comments development during the previous step.
You may want to stop any form of advertising on your blog, even stopping to allow links to be followed (DoFollow).
But you can also use an extension that allows you to block any abusive comments such as "DoFollow".
This extension allows you to configure the deletion of the attribute "NoFollow" (do not forward), but more importantly it allows you to properly configure it.
You can delete the attribute "NoFollow" according to seniority (which you define), or if the comments were made by registered persons on your blog, you can also combine the two, you can release all reviews of this attribute and allow search engines to follow links in the comments.
For example you can use on your blog the following settings: NoFollow attribute is deleted when the message has more than one day,and it is immediately removed if the people are registered on the blog; for any other person the seniority will prevail.
I am also a moderator and each first comment is not published if I do not validate...
It is a very useful extension that is a quick way to effortlessly keep your comment box free of spam.