Causes for Endometriosis
Endometriosis is derived from the word, endo which means inner and metra which stands for womb.
This is a medical condition found in women when the endometrial like cells grow and flourish outside the uterus, usually on the ovaries.
The symptoms usually have a negative impact on the menstrual cycle.
It is usually experienced by women in the reproductive years and according to some research that almost five to ten percent of women are suffering from this problem.
The exact cause of the disease is still a question that remains unanswered.
However, certain theories have been developed which helps in understanding this problem.
The first theory is related to estrogens.
It is claimed that endometriosis is an estrogen dependent condition and thus is developed during the reproductive years.
Medical therapy is usually practiced in order to reduce the estrogen level to control the disease.
Some further developments in this theory had highlighted evidence on the how this problem persists after hysterectomy.
The theory of retrograde menstruation was proposed by John A.
Sampson and proposes that when a woman is going through the menstrual period, some of the endometrial debris leaves the uterus and is gets stuck to the peritoneal surface and later it proceeds for the development of endometriosis.
If you get a chance to read the theory in detail, you will come to know that it fails to explain the causes of endometriosis in detail.
Mullerianosis is considered to be a competing theory which proposes that the cells that have the tendency to become endometrial get saturated in the tracts during the process of embryonic development.
The contents of the theory are further endorsed by the foetal autopsy.
According to the genetics theory, hereditary factors also play a major role n the development of this disease.
The statistics show that the sisters and daughters of the patient having endometriosis have a high probability for developing the same problem in them.
For instance low-level of progesterone can be genetic and may result in hormone imbalance.
There are many other theories related to this disease and is just an attempt to figure out the reason behind the development of this problem in the women.
There is still a lot more to study.
This is a medical condition found in women when the endometrial like cells grow and flourish outside the uterus, usually on the ovaries.
The symptoms usually have a negative impact on the menstrual cycle.
It is usually experienced by women in the reproductive years and according to some research that almost five to ten percent of women are suffering from this problem.
The exact cause of the disease is still a question that remains unanswered.
However, certain theories have been developed which helps in understanding this problem.
The first theory is related to estrogens.
It is claimed that endometriosis is an estrogen dependent condition and thus is developed during the reproductive years.
Medical therapy is usually practiced in order to reduce the estrogen level to control the disease.
Some further developments in this theory had highlighted evidence on the how this problem persists after hysterectomy.
The theory of retrograde menstruation was proposed by John A.
Sampson and proposes that when a woman is going through the menstrual period, some of the endometrial debris leaves the uterus and is gets stuck to the peritoneal surface and later it proceeds for the development of endometriosis.
If you get a chance to read the theory in detail, you will come to know that it fails to explain the causes of endometriosis in detail.
Mullerianosis is considered to be a competing theory which proposes that the cells that have the tendency to become endometrial get saturated in the tracts during the process of embryonic development.
The contents of the theory are further endorsed by the foetal autopsy.
According to the genetics theory, hereditary factors also play a major role n the development of this disease.
The statistics show that the sisters and daughters of the patient having endometriosis have a high probability for developing the same problem in them.
For instance low-level of progesterone can be genetic and may result in hormone imbalance.
There are many other theories related to this disease and is just an attempt to figure out the reason behind the development of this problem in the women.
There is still a lot more to study.