How to Get the Most Out of a Vacation with Your Girlfriend
You and your girlfriend, partner or wife have a vacation planned and you're so looking forward to it. But you want to make sure you get the most out of it and don't end up fighting by day three and simply not enjoying yourselves. Here's how to survive a vacation with your girlfriend and come away with your relationship still in tact (and even better than it was before.)
Difficulty: Average
Time Required: As long as your vacation allows
Here's How:
- Before you go, spend some time planning and talking about what your expectations are. Are you the type who likes to just chill out and read on the beach while she wants to mountain bike, scuba dive and explore every city cafe. Make sure you plan some activities that both of you will enjoy. Are you going to be disappointed if she doesn't come on the whale watch with you, even though she gets sea sick? Talk these things out before you even leave home.
- Plan. The worst thing you can do is to arrive at your destination and have no idea what you're going to do with your days or what there is to do in the place you've landed. You chose your vacation spot for a reason. Get online and research what there is to do in Paris and Provincetown. Make notes and discuss with each other what things look appealing to you.
- But don't over plan. Make sure you leave time for spontaneous side trips, like checking out the handmade ice cream stand or popping in on a local blues club. It's those little "unexpecteds" that often make the most memorable vacation experiences.
- Take alone time. You don't spend 24/7 together when you're at home, so don't expect to when you're on vacation. Take a yoga class by yourself or visit an antique store while she rents a Harley or rides jet ski. Plan to spend at least some time apart on your vacation.
- Make a list. If there are 10 things you want to do on your vacation, write them out and bring that list with you. Check it each day and make sure you get to do the things you want because who knows when you'll make it back to this place again.
- Have sex. A lot. You've come on vacation together to reconnect. So do it! Vacations are a great place to bring that spark back to your relationship. Bring along a sexy surprise for your partner, whether it's a new toy, some sexy underwear or a book of erotica to read to her each night.
- Budget. Decide how much you can spend each day and stick to it. The last thing you want to be doing on vacation is fighting over money.
- Switch it up. If you are normally the planner and she comes along for the ride, switch things up on vacation. Changing this dynamic during vacation can be really good for your relationship. Agree to it beforehand and for at least one day, do the opposite of what you normally do.
- Compromise. Okay, you love museums and she wants to get every spa treatment on the menu. This is a joint vacation and it's going to have to involve some compromise. Yes, it's good to spend time apart, but not all of it. Join her on the historic walking tour, even if you're not psyched about it.
- Try something different. If you're normally a cautious eater, take a risk and try a local specialty. Take a scuba diving class or go watch a dance performance. You never know, the thing you least expect could be the thing you enjoy the most.
- Relax. Don't forget to schedule downtime for yourselves. A vacation is meant to relax you and revitalize you before you return to the real world. Get take-out and enjoy it in your room one night, sleep in, have a massage. Take your new relaxed selves home and try to enjoy it for as long as you can.