Walk Your Dog on a Loose Leash
Do you hate to go dog-skiing? You know what I'm talking about.
Dog-skiing is when your dog drags you all over the neighborhood when you go for a walk.
Good news, this is a dog behavior that is relatively easy to correct.
Start out with your dog on leash and wearing a dog training collar.
To fix this dog behavior, we are going to employ what I call the 'crazy person method'.
Begin by walking forward and telling your dog 'come-on'.
If he rushes out ahead of you immediately make an about-face, give a swift correction (quick, strong jerk on the leash) in your new direction, and walk briskly in that direction as you repeat 'come-on'.
If he goes to rush forward again, repeat the same procedure.
If he goes to rush to the left, you turn right, give a strong correction, repeat 'come-on', and keep moving in your new direction.
Basically whatever direction your dog goes, you go the opposite.
In this way, your dog learns that he isn't in control of the walk.
If he wants to avoid that uncomfortable correction he must stay near you and pay close attention.
It is important to time your correction such that he receives the correction as you are changing directions.
Soon your dog will be thinking, "Man this guy is crazy! I go forward, he goes backward.
I go right he goes left, I go left he goes right.
I had better watch out for him because he's crazy, he could go anywhere!" If you have proper timing and give proper correction strength you are teaching him to respect your desires.
Before, he was allowed to choose the destination, speed, and just about everything else.
In training him for this behavior, you now take the control back and show him that you determine where the walk will take you.
Now, the concept of this exercise sounds pretty easy.
You are basically just moving in the opposite direction of your dog, giving well-timed corrections.
The actual practice, however, is where it can get difficult.
The coordination required is actually quite difficult for the novice dog trainer.
The best tip is to just keep practicing.
Keep working at it and soon you will notice that instead of rushing around your dog will take noticed of where you are going and won't pull on the leash anymore.
Proper dog home obedience training with this exercise will pay big dividends when it is time to walk your dog.
Dog-skiing is when your dog drags you all over the neighborhood when you go for a walk.
Good news, this is a dog behavior that is relatively easy to correct.
Start out with your dog on leash and wearing a dog training collar.
To fix this dog behavior, we are going to employ what I call the 'crazy person method'.
Begin by walking forward and telling your dog 'come-on'.
If he rushes out ahead of you immediately make an about-face, give a swift correction (quick, strong jerk on the leash) in your new direction, and walk briskly in that direction as you repeat 'come-on'.
If he goes to rush forward again, repeat the same procedure.
If he goes to rush to the left, you turn right, give a strong correction, repeat 'come-on', and keep moving in your new direction.
Basically whatever direction your dog goes, you go the opposite.
In this way, your dog learns that he isn't in control of the walk.
If he wants to avoid that uncomfortable correction he must stay near you and pay close attention.
It is important to time your correction such that he receives the correction as you are changing directions.
Soon your dog will be thinking, "Man this guy is crazy! I go forward, he goes backward.
I go right he goes left, I go left he goes right.
I had better watch out for him because he's crazy, he could go anywhere!" If you have proper timing and give proper correction strength you are teaching him to respect your desires.
Before, he was allowed to choose the destination, speed, and just about everything else.
In training him for this behavior, you now take the control back and show him that you determine where the walk will take you.
Now, the concept of this exercise sounds pretty easy.
You are basically just moving in the opposite direction of your dog, giving well-timed corrections.
The actual practice, however, is where it can get difficult.
The coordination required is actually quite difficult for the novice dog trainer.
The best tip is to just keep practicing.
Keep working at it and soon you will notice that instead of rushing around your dog will take noticed of where you are going and won't pull on the leash anymore.
Proper dog home obedience training with this exercise will pay big dividends when it is time to walk your dog.