What Is a Chakra? And How Do I Cleanse It?
Chakras are spinning centers of energy. They are part of your Auric body. Your Auric body is a field of energy that surrounds your physical body. You know the feeling that you get when someone stands too close to you, you can "feel" them. It's as if they are touching your physical body, but what you are actually feeling is their Auric field touching yours. We have many Chakra points in our bodies, but usually focus on the main seven for personal and spiritual development. These seven main Chakras are stacked on top of each other in a straight line following your spine. When we work with our Chakras, we always begin with the root Chakra, which is at the base of your spine, and work your way up to the crown Chakra located at the very top of your head. We do this because in psychic development it is important to clear out old issues related to the physical plane first, then move into the spiritual plane. This is because we usually have emotional issues that we need to clear up before moving into the spiritual plane. We have to be in touch with ourselves before we can communicate clearly with our Guides and Angels.
Your Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine. It is red in color, and is all about your physical survival. Issues regarding money, work, shelter, basic survival issues of your physical body.
The Sacral Chakra is located around the area of your bellybutton. Orange in color, this Chakra is all about physical satisfaction. Eating, drinking, sex. This is where your food cravings come from too.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is yellow in color and is located in your stomach area. You should pay close attention to what this Chakra is telling you. This is where you will experience the gut feelings. Take notice of the times you had this feeling, ignored it and regretted it later.
Your Heart Chakra is green in color and located in the center of your chest. The purpose of this Chakra, as you may have guessed is love, emotions, empathy. You will know when this Chakra is out of balance, because you will feel angry and shut off from others. This is an important Chakra for psychic abilities, because of the need to empathize with others without judgement. In this way you stay open to the energy they are giving you.
The Throat Chakra is blue in color and located in your throat. This Chakra is all about communication. When you have a lump in your throat and are unable to communicate your feelings, your throat Chakra is out of balance.
Your Third Eye Chakra is purple in color and located in the center of your forehead. This is where you will "see" spirit, auras, visions, and psychic information. Your throat and heart Chakras need to be balanced as well in order to properly decipher the messages received by your third eye.
The Crown Chakra is violet or white and located on the top, in the back of your head. This is how you connect to the Divine. All spiritual energy is filtered through here. Information from God, your Guides, Angels, and the Ascended Masters comes into your Crown Chakra and is interpreted by your other spiritual Chakras and your intuition.
So now that we know what a Chakra is, where they are located, and their functions, we can focus on how to clear them.
From time to time we need to clear our Chakras of energy that we have picked up in our everyday lives. People who are working on their own personal development, and are sensitive to the energies of others will need to cleanse their Chakras more often. This is because their systems are more sensitive, and will naturally pick up more psychic debris. Over time, if not cleared, you will start to feel weighed down, and have very little energy.
The best way to cleanse your Chakras is with a basic meditation.
Sit in a quiet room, you can play some soothing music in the background if you would like. I love to use Native American flute music. With your eyes closed, focus on your breathing, and get into a relaxed state. Start by imagining your Root Chakra surrounded by the bright white light of God. Focus on your Root Chakra for a minute or so, then move to your Sacral Chakra, doing the same. Moving up one by one, visualize each Chakra surrounded by God's white light.
This takes practice, especially if you are new to meditation. With your positive intentions, you can clear your Chakras, and you will notice the difference. You can do it.
A couple other great ways of clearing your Chakras are taking an Epsom salt bath, and using sage. The best way, though is the meditation because you focus your mind, and you practice visualization, and intention.
Your Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine. It is red in color, and is all about your physical survival. Issues regarding money, work, shelter, basic survival issues of your physical body.
The Sacral Chakra is located around the area of your bellybutton. Orange in color, this Chakra is all about physical satisfaction. Eating, drinking, sex. This is where your food cravings come from too.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is yellow in color and is located in your stomach area. You should pay close attention to what this Chakra is telling you. This is where you will experience the gut feelings. Take notice of the times you had this feeling, ignored it and regretted it later.
Your Heart Chakra is green in color and located in the center of your chest. The purpose of this Chakra, as you may have guessed is love, emotions, empathy. You will know when this Chakra is out of balance, because you will feel angry and shut off from others. This is an important Chakra for psychic abilities, because of the need to empathize with others without judgement. In this way you stay open to the energy they are giving you.
The Throat Chakra is blue in color and located in your throat. This Chakra is all about communication. When you have a lump in your throat and are unable to communicate your feelings, your throat Chakra is out of balance.
Your Third Eye Chakra is purple in color and located in the center of your forehead. This is where you will "see" spirit, auras, visions, and psychic information. Your throat and heart Chakras need to be balanced as well in order to properly decipher the messages received by your third eye.
The Crown Chakra is violet or white and located on the top, in the back of your head. This is how you connect to the Divine. All spiritual energy is filtered through here. Information from God, your Guides, Angels, and the Ascended Masters comes into your Crown Chakra and is interpreted by your other spiritual Chakras and your intuition.
So now that we know what a Chakra is, where they are located, and their functions, we can focus on how to clear them.
From time to time we need to clear our Chakras of energy that we have picked up in our everyday lives. People who are working on their own personal development, and are sensitive to the energies of others will need to cleanse their Chakras more often. This is because their systems are more sensitive, and will naturally pick up more psychic debris. Over time, if not cleared, you will start to feel weighed down, and have very little energy.
The best way to cleanse your Chakras is with a basic meditation.
Sit in a quiet room, you can play some soothing music in the background if you would like. I love to use Native American flute music. With your eyes closed, focus on your breathing, and get into a relaxed state. Start by imagining your Root Chakra surrounded by the bright white light of God. Focus on your Root Chakra for a minute or so, then move to your Sacral Chakra, doing the same. Moving up one by one, visualize each Chakra surrounded by God's white light.
This takes practice, especially if you are new to meditation. With your positive intentions, you can clear your Chakras, and you will notice the difference. You can do it.
A couple other great ways of clearing your Chakras are taking an Epsom salt bath, and using sage. The best way, though is the meditation because you focus your mind, and you practice visualization, and intention.