How to Make a Campaign Flier
- 1). Choose important topics for your campaign. Your flier should convey the main changes you will look to make once elected. Include a statistic about unemployment, a quote about social justice or a stance you have taken about the environment. The flier needs to announce to voters what they can expect if they give you their vote. The statistics or quotations you choose to include should also be used on other campaign literature or in your speeches so your ideas are clear to all.
- 2). Select a good, simple design for the flier. Voters might only see the flier for a few seconds, so it should be memorable and easy to read. Color schemes and images should be consistent among all campaign literature so you begin to create a brand. Recognizing your logo or color scheme will keep you in their minds beyond the several seconds they notice a flier. If you plan to hang the flier, it should be at least the size of legal paper. Fliers distributed to voters should be no larger than 8.5 by 11 inches. Choose high quality paper and use a good printer, or take your fliers to a printing shop. Using a local business for printing could help your campaign.
- 3). Include your picture. Seeing a picture of someone creates a connection. When they see you on television in an advertisement or in a debate, or if they meet you at a campaign rally, they will feel like they already know you. This increases the chance that they will vote for you. Smile in the picture or choose a picture that shows you active in some sort of volunteer work.
- 4). Include a link to your website. Most voters seek more information than what is included on a flier. Instead of filling the flier with as much information as possible, let the website explain your views more clearly instead. Many voters might question your dedication to the campaign if you do not have a website. The website URL should be easy to remember so voters can easily find it online.
- 5). Choose high-traffic areas to distribute or hang your flier. A flier is basically worthless if no one sees it. A campaign with a budget will also want to maximize resources. Send canvassers to hand out the flier at farmer's markets. Leave fliers at popular coffee shops. Hang the fliers on main streets in the downtown area.