How to Date Effectively Without Committing a Sin
Dating can be done in such a way that the persons involved do not end up committing sin.
If dating can be done in a safe way to keep the individuals involved from harm's way, then what does it mean to date? The Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary defines date as 'A meeting that you have arranged with a boyfriend or girlfriend or with somebody who might become a boyfriend or a girlfriend.
If you consider this definition you discover that dating is prearranged in most cases, and that it could be between you and somebody you are in love with already or between you and somebody who might become your lover one day.
It therefore implies that you should be very careful because there may be a secret desire which has not manifested itself and if given the opportunity might lead you into sin.
What to avoid during dating In order not to yield to temptation during the period you are dating the following must be avoided: 1.
Excessive closeness: You should learn to create some gap between one another whenever you are together.
Excessive closeness you promote some kind of attraction that could harm you.
Being alone in a lonely or secretive place: You must learn to avoid being alone together especially in a lonely place as this would give room for you to try to experiment with your bodies.
When you are close to people this temptation could be completely overcome.
Hugging, kissing or romance: You should also avoid the temptation to hug, kiss and romance as this would fan the flame of affection in you and produce some electric sensations which would eventually make you loose your control.
Visiting at odd time: Don't ever visit your partner at odd hour especially if he or she leaves alone.
Doing that would be inviting trouble because the devil is so intelligent that he could take advantage of your odd time visit to tempt you.
Touching sensitive areas: You should not for any reason touch the sensitive parts of your partner as this could easily stir sexual desire in him or her.
Watching pornographic or sex films together: This is one other area that the devil can easily exploit to make you sin.
Pornographic films would make you want to do together what you watch from the film.
Special gifts: This warning goes especially to the ladies.
Don't accept certain gifts like brassier, pants, underskirts, etc from your boyfriend because after giving you those gifts one day he would ask you to put them on for him to see how well they fit you; and of course you can guess what might follow.
Cohabitation: Don't cohabit with your boyfriend because it gives you a false sense of marriage and temptation can easily come in.
Alcohol or sedatives: Don't take any of them if you are going to be with your boyfriend to prevent being raped.
Sex: This is strictly condemned by the word of God.
Don't do it until you are legally married.
If dating can be done in a safe way to keep the individuals involved from harm's way, then what does it mean to date? The Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary defines date as 'A meeting that you have arranged with a boyfriend or girlfriend or with somebody who might become a boyfriend or a girlfriend.
If you consider this definition you discover that dating is prearranged in most cases, and that it could be between you and somebody you are in love with already or between you and somebody who might become your lover one day.
It therefore implies that you should be very careful because there may be a secret desire which has not manifested itself and if given the opportunity might lead you into sin.
What to avoid during dating In order not to yield to temptation during the period you are dating the following must be avoided: 1.
Excessive closeness: You should learn to create some gap between one another whenever you are together.
Excessive closeness you promote some kind of attraction that could harm you.
Being alone in a lonely or secretive place: You must learn to avoid being alone together especially in a lonely place as this would give room for you to try to experiment with your bodies.
When you are close to people this temptation could be completely overcome.
Hugging, kissing or romance: You should also avoid the temptation to hug, kiss and romance as this would fan the flame of affection in you and produce some electric sensations which would eventually make you loose your control.
Visiting at odd time: Don't ever visit your partner at odd hour especially if he or she leaves alone.
Doing that would be inviting trouble because the devil is so intelligent that he could take advantage of your odd time visit to tempt you.
Touching sensitive areas: You should not for any reason touch the sensitive parts of your partner as this could easily stir sexual desire in him or her.
Watching pornographic or sex films together: This is one other area that the devil can easily exploit to make you sin.
Pornographic films would make you want to do together what you watch from the film.
Special gifts: This warning goes especially to the ladies.
Don't accept certain gifts like brassier, pants, underskirts, etc from your boyfriend because after giving you those gifts one day he would ask you to put them on for him to see how well they fit you; and of course you can guess what might follow.
Cohabitation: Don't cohabit with your boyfriend because it gives you a false sense of marriage and temptation can easily come in.
Alcohol or sedatives: Don't take any of them if you are going to be with your boyfriend to prevent being raped.
Sex: This is strictly condemned by the word of God.
Don't do it until you are legally married.