Semi-Precious Stones & Their Properties
- Turquoise stones come in many colors and forms, depending on where they were mined. The actual color and type of the stone usually determines which specific properties it offers. Turquoise was revered by many ancient cultures, including the Egyptians, Persians and Tibetans. The Chinese and Native Americans also incorporated this semi-precious stone into rituals because of its protection properties. Navajo turquoise is commonly found throughout art galleries and jewelry boutiques in the U.S. Southwest. This type of turquoise is often a green color. According to "Michael's Gemstone Dictionary," Navajo turquoise helps the wearer feel centered and loved, as well as feel at home in any environment. Mexican turquoise, used by the Aztecs in elaborate ritual masks, is often a bright, sky blue color.
- Jade is one of the hardest semi-precious gemstones and has been used for centuries by many cultures as well. Chinese, Russian, South American and Maori cultures use this gemstone in many capacities. According to the Gemstone Guide, the Spanish conquistadors believed that jade aided with kidney ailments, such as kidney stones. Jade comes in a wide variety of colors, including the well-known deep green color, purple, white, black, pink and brown. The commonly found green jade is believed to give the wearer a sense of peace and tranquility, as well as promote internal calmness and harmony.
- Quartz comes in a wide variety of colors and types, and each one has its own properties. One of the most common reasons this semi-precious gemstone is used in spiritual work is because the clear quartz's natural vibration is believed to work with and balance all seven major chakra points, or energy centers, in the human body. Rose quartz is pink colored and is associated with the feelings of love and happiness. Clear quartz is associated with spiritual protection from negative vibrations and energy.
- Agate is widely found and mined in Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and India. This semi-precious gemstone comes in several colors, including a blue-green moss agate and red and brown fire agate. This semi-precious gemstone is one of the oldest stones and was used by the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians. Some of the agate's properties include the giving the wearer the ability to concentrate and remain grounded during meditations and rituals. The moss agate is known as the gardener's stone, and it is believed to help with agriculture and gardening projects.