Disney Game Ideas
- When your child cannot decide on his favorite Disney character, throw a party for the entire Disney gang. Include Disney characters, such as Snow White, Cinderella, Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Play a variety of party games that include many of your child's favorite characters. Award Disney-themed prizes to all games winners, to keep the guests looking forward to the next game.
- Play "Pin the Nose on Mickey or Minnie Mouse" by printing or drawing a large poster of Mickey or Minnie Mouse. Hang it on the wall. Print or draw several black noses; write each child's name in one of the noses. Blindfold each child one at a time and spin him three times. Let him try to pin the nose on the Mickey or Minnie poster. The child who pins the nose closest to the correct spot wins the game.
- Purchase several party favors from your local party supply store or retail store, such as plastic Disney figurines, necklaces, bracelets, bubbles, notepads and pens. Hide these Disney-themed party favors all over the party area. Give each child a Disney-themed party favor bag and let him go on a Disney toy treasure hunt. The child who finds the most toys will also receive a large plush Disney toy to take home as a party favor.
- Instead of duck, duck, goose, let the children play Donald, Donald, Goofy. When the child says, "Goofy," the tagged child has to chase him around the circle. If he catches him, that child is the new "it." If the player doesn't catch him, he can sit back in his spot, and "it" must keep going.
- Purchase a plush Cinderella or Snow White and Goofy or Mickey Mouse (any Disney character will work). Have the girls sit in a circle and the boy sit in a separate circle. Give the girls the plush Cinderella or Snow White; give the boys the Goofy or Mickey Mouse. When you play Disney-themed songs, the children will pass the plush toys around the circle. When the music stops, the child holding the plush toy is out of the game. Keep playing until only one player remains in each circle, who is the winner of the plush toy. Make sure the person controlling the music cannot see the players to make it fair.
Pin the Nose on Mickey or Minnie Mouse
Disney Treasure Hunt
Donald, Donald, Goofy
Pass Cinderella or Snow White