Customize Videos With Chroma Key Technology
Definition: Chroma key or green screen technology is a process of blending two images together in such a way so that the color of an image removed to reveal another image behind it.
In the foreground, a photographer takes a subject's photograph with a green or blue color screen set in the background.
It is hard to determine whether he should use green or blue color in the background.
However mainly a photographer deploys green color as less light is required to light up this color.
The most important factor is that image sensors in digital video cameras are most sensitive to this color.
The technology produces effective results and used mainly by television channels or in blockbuster movies.
One can use the technology to prepare video albums for birthday, parties, wedding and other such occasions.
Customizing Videos: Chroma key editing is easy to use procedure to change your videos and images the way you desire.
A photographer should prepare himself with sufficient footage or graphics that he requires for the background.
The next stage is that of shooting the subject and taking his photographs or videos with the camera.
One should take care that for good picture quality the camera should be of high quality.
It equips a user with an ability to take the picture or video in different ways.
He can also play with the light and make the focus sharp or blurred as per the requirement.
The most vital factor to consider is the color that one should set as the background while shooting for pictures or videos.
If a photographer is using blue color as the background, he should ensure that the subject contains as little of the screen color as possible whether in his clothing or elsewhere.
For instance, if a person has green eyes then a photographer should choose a blue color screen.
In another instance, if a photographer wants to depict a farmhouse area surrounded by greenery then he should use green color as the background screen.
There should be enough light to illuminate the subject to prevent undesirable shades on the face or clothes.
Being too close to the background screen can cause shadows that disturb the uniform color of the background.
After taking the photograph, you can select the desired image as a background and merge it with the help of the chroma key technology.
You can place your subject anywhere you want.
In the foreground, a photographer takes a subject's photograph with a green or blue color screen set in the background.
It is hard to determine whether he should use green or blue color in the background.
However mainly a photographer deploys green color as less light is required to light up this color.
The most important factor is that image sensors in digital video cameras are most sensitive to this color.
The technology produces effective results and used mainly by television channels or in blockbuster movies.
One can use the technology to prepare video albums for birthday, parties, wedding and other such occasions.
Customizing Videos: Chroma key editing is easy to use procedure to change your videos and images the way you desire.
A photographer should prepare himself with sufficient footage or graphics that he requires for the background.
The next stage is that of shooting the subject and taking his photographs or videos with the camera.
One should take care that for good picture quality the camera should be of high quality.
It equips a user with an ability to take the picture or video in different ways.
He can also play with the light and make the focus sharp or blurred as per the requirement.
The most vital factor to consider is the color that one should set as the background while shooting for pictures or videos.
If a photographer is using blue color as the background, he should ensure that the subject contains as little of the screen color as possible whether in his clothing or elsewhere.
For instance, if a person has green eyes then a photographer should choose a blue color screen.
In another instance, if a photographer wants to depict a farmhouse area surrounded by greenery then he should use green color as the background screen.
There should be enough light to illuminate the subject to prevent undesirable shades on the face or clothes.
Being too close to the background screen can cause shadows that disturb the uniform color of the background.
After taking the photograph, you can select the desired image as a background and merge it with the help of the chroma key technology.
You can place your subject anywhere you want.