How to Plant a Pear Tree With Seeds
- 1). Clean pear seeds and package them within a moistened bag filled with peat moss. Refridgerate for up to 12 weeks, though as short as 7 days is enough to stimulate the seed. A variety of seeds will require a winter to begin germination. If you chose this method, then your seed will be ready to plant in shorter time.
- 2). Fill an 8-inch planter with potting soil that is designed for trees and shrubs. Be sure the planter contains enough drainage holes to prevent oversoaking the seedlings during watering. Three to four small holes at the bottom are adequate enough.
- 3). Water the soil to ensure a proper moisture level, stopping when the water begins to run out of the bottom of the planter.
- 4). Using the shovel, insert one seed per planter, 2 inches below the surface. Water and fertilize frequently, and keep planter in direct sunlight as often as possible.
- 5). Keep the seedling inside until it reaches a height of 6 to 12 inches. The tree should be strong enough to withstand climate changes, including winter, after reaching this level of maturity.
- 1). Use a cultivator to loosen the ground to 2 to 4 inches of soft soil. Be sure to water and keep moist.
- 2). Plant freshly washed seeds into the ground directly, 4 to 6 inches apart, 2 to 4 inches deep. You will want at least 8 weeks prior to the first frost for germination to coincide with winter.
- 3). Place fertilizer spikes around the seeds in early spring to support positive growth and maximum strength.
- 4). Wait until seedlings have reached approximately 2 feet before transplanting to a permanent site if it is elsewhere from the original planting position.
Beginning Indoors
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