Can You Stop Dog Biting
There is no doubt that a pet that bites is a huge problem and can even become a serious problem.
There are actually some differences between your dog biting your hand and mouthing it.
Mouthing is not particularly known as a behavior that is aggressive.
It is advisable though to put a stop to this behavior because later on it will more than likely become quite annoying.
Poor training, a lack of training and little socialization in the early years could lead to a dog that bites.
Obedience training should begin immediately to try and stop or prevent your dog from biting.
** Chew Toy Dogs and puppies are going to need to chew.
If you'll give them a chew toy they won't have the need to chew on your fingers (or couch,or socks or shoes..
When your pooch attempts chewing on your hand, in a firm voice say NO! then offer some chew toys in its place.
** Just Don't Play Should your pet nip or bite during playtime, use a loud yelping noise and than the "playing is over".
If done right away your dog or pup will begin to learn biting is wrong and playing is finished.
** Learn The Cause Is the normally docile pet that stands before you showing an aggression sign or two? If so, something has probably caused his behavior to change suddenly.
The problem could be a medical one or he could have undergone some nightmarish event.
If this aggressive behavior has always been with your dog then he could have been abused way back when or he was just never socialized.
Once a physical problem has been taken out of the equation then you can resume the re-training of the dog.
If your pet is a little older and has "biting issues" then it is going to require some patience and time to break the cycle of this behavior problem and could be a bit more difficult.
There are some great training programs out there that you can get if you want to try it from your own home.
If the home training method does not work, do not hesitate and go find a trainer in your area that works with these types of dogs.
Do what you have to do to prevent your dog from biting someone because if he does the consequences of this action could be severe for both the dog and the person.
If the aggression signs that your dog is showing are getting severe, avoid the group training and get the one on one training.
There will be cases that the answer to your problems could be as simple as finding another way to interact with your dog.
Do not use faulty training techniques to fix this behavior problem because it could backfire on you.
You may be quite amazed at the outcome you get from working with a good trainer or even possibly a good home training program.
Remember, if your dog is showing clear signs of being a biter make sure he wears a muzzle if there are going to be people around.
There is no question that it is probably tough admitting to yourself that your beloved pet could actually hurt some body you must not ignore the problem or you could be inviting big time trouble.
No matter if it is a pup or a dog, get involved in some type of training program to help and try and curb this behavior problem.
You might just be saving a dogs life by doing these things and more
There are actually some differences between your dog biting your hand and mouthing it.
Mouthing is not particularly known as a behavior that is aggressive.
It is advisable though to put a stop to this behavior because later on it will more than likely become quite annoying.
Poor training, a lack of training and little socialization in the early years could lead to a dog that bites.
Obedience training should begin immediately to try and stop or prevent your dog from biting.
** Chew Toy Dogs and puppies are going to need to chew.
If you'll give them a chew toy they won't have the need to chew on your fingers (or couch,or socks or shoes..
When your pooch attempts chewing on your hand, in a firm voice say NO! then offer some chew toys in its place.
** Just Don't Play Should your pet nip or bite during playtime, use a loud yelping noise and than the "playing is over".
If done right away your dog or pup will begin to learn biting is wrong and playing is finished.
** Learn The Cause Is the normally docile pet that stands before you showing an aggression sign or two? If so, something has probably caused his behavior to change suddenly.
The problem could be a medical one or he could have undergone some nightmarish event.
If this aggressive behavior has always been with your dog then he could have been abused way back when or he was just never socialized.
Once a physical problem has been taken out of the equation then you can resume the re-training of the dog.
If your pet is a little older and has "biting issues" then it is going to require some patience and time to break the cycle of this behavior problem and could be a bit more difficult.
There are some great training programs out there that you can get if you want to try it from your own home.
If the home training method does not work, do not hesitate and go find a trainer in your area that works with these types of dogs.
Do what you have to do to prevent your dog from biting someone because if he does the consequences of this action could be severe for both the dog and the person.
If the aggression signs that your dog is showing are getting severe, avoid the group training and get the one on one training.
There will be cases that the answer to your problems could be as simple as finding another way to interact with your dog.
Do not use faulty training techniques to fix this behavior problem because it could backfire on you.
You may be quite amazed at the outcome you get from working with a good trainer or even possibly a good home training program.
Remember, if your dog is showing clear signs of being a biter make sure he wears a muzzle if there are going to be people around.
There is no question that it is probably tough admitting to yourself that your beloved pet could actually hurt some body you must not ignore the problem or you could be inviting big time trouble.
No matter if it is a pup or a dog, get involved in some type of training program to help and try and curb this behavior problem.
You might just be saving a dogs life by doing these things and more