How Do I Sign as Attorney-in-Fact?
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An attorney-in-fact must expressly cover the business being conducted.Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Review the document being signed. Verify the attorney-in-fact appointment allows the agent to conduct the business transacted in the document. - 2
A notation by the signature must indicate the use of an attorney-in-fact.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Sign either the name of the agent or the principal's name exactly as it appears in the attorney-in-fact appointment. Make a notation below the signature stating an attorney-in fact is being used. For example, "John Smith, signing as attorney-in-fact for Jane Jones" or "Jane Jones" signed by John Smith, her attorney-in-fact. - 3
Use black or blue ink for an attorney-in-fact's signature.Hemera Technologies/ Images
Use black or blue ink to sign on the designated signature line. Print or type the date the document was signed either below the signature or next to it. Have the original attorney-in-fact appointment available to copy and staple to the document, if requested. Sign in the presence of two witnesses or a notary, if the document requires it. - 4
Research state laws for specific attorney-in-fact signing rules.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Comply with applicable state statutes governing the use of an attorney-in-fact. Seek the advice of an attorney to determine specific signing requirements as they relate to a particular attorney-in-fact transaction.