Ruth & Naomi Craft
- For young girls, friendship bracelets can be a reminder of the importance of friendship understood by Ruth and Naomi. Using embroidery thread, children can make simple braided bracelets, or more complicated bracelets that use different kinds of knots and several colors of string. Making a bracelet for a friend can be a meaningful gift.
- Friendship wreaths are a way to help children express love for their friends. The children can trace each other's hands on construction paper. Cut out the hands and place them together in the shape of a wreath. On one side, have the children write the qualities they admire in Ruth and Naomi's friendship on each hand. On the other side, they can write qualities they admire in their own friendships.
- For a very simple children's craft, try making friendship sticks. Have children paint chopsticks with bright colors. Then, using a fine-tipped permanent markers, they can write messages to their friends, then give the sticks as gifts.
- A popular verse from the Bible's Book of Ruth reads, "Where you go, I will go and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God." To remember the verse, write it on a white sheet of sturdy paper. Then paint or draw a picture that represents what it means to you.
Friendship bracelets
Friendship Wreaths
Friendship sticks