Discounting Second Half Of President Obama"s Term A Mistake
Many seem to be discounting the next two years of the Obama presidency as if lack of any new initiatives would make it a failed presidency.
It should be noted that the President in his first 18 months accomplished more than many presidents have accomplished in 8 years.
The President will simply be happy if the new Congress simply did no harm thus allowing much of the myriad of legislation passed to take effect.
What is interesting is that much of his legislative difficulty that he had to navigate was at the hand of Blue Dog Democrats as well as Conservative Democratic senators.
The President did not so much ignore his left flank in that he got the best he could.
Unfortunately he was somewhat disingenuous in his approach acquiescing to the tenet that the end justifies the means.
If Liberals take the time to explain and defend the excellent policies that got started in this administration, the 2012 elections will be their vindication.
Americans want a government that works.
That said those in the more liberal domain need to provide direction and support to the president going forward.
Until they become more than a fickle intellectual base whose vote can easily be dissuaded like elementary school students because they do not get all that they want, they will continue to be marginalized by all sides.
Liberals' policy desires are what Americans ultimately want and need.
Liberals must make the case to America and to the President and they must engage in the fight harder than the Right.
After all, Liberals better represent the middleclass.
It should be noted that the President in his first 18 months accomplished more than many presidents have accomplished in 8 years.
The President will simply be happy if the new Congress simply did no harm thus allowing much of the myriad of legislation passed to take effect.
What is interesting is that much of his legislative difficulty that he had to navigate was at the hand of Blue Dog Democrats as well as Conservative Democratic senators.
The President did not so much ignore his left flank in that he got the best he could.
Unfortunately he was somewhat disingenuous in his approach acquiescing to the tenet that the end justifies the means.
If Liberals take the time to explain and defend the excellent policies that got started in this administration, the 2012 elections will be their vindication.
Americans want a government that works.
That said those in the more liberal domain need to provide direction and support to the president going forward.
Until they become more than a fickle intellectual base whose vote can easily be dissuaded like elementary school students because they do not get all that they want, they will continue to be marginalized by all sides.
Liberals' policy desires are what Americans ultimately want and need.
Liberals must make the case to America and to the President and they must engage in the fight harder than the Right.
After all, Liberals better represent the middleclass.